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中国植物数据库 http://www.plant.csdb.cn/ 中国植物数据库是中国科学院植物研究所长期开展的植物信息工程建设项目,该项目将国内植物研究信息、植物调查信息、植物经济和社会应用信息以计算机技术收集整理建立各种形式数据库。其目的旨在对植物调查研究和经济利用在信息积累方面进行总结,并为植物科学研究、经济利用、园林建设、生态旅游、科普教育、环境和植物保护服务。中国植物数据库建库内容包括植物基本信息、经济利用信息、分类系统研究信息、专题研究信息和植物图像信息,以及与数据库建设和服务有关的程序软件。当前数据库已包括5529种(包括种下分类单位)植物信息,总信息量达到4620MB。上世纪90年代以后数据库建设重点转向植物图像,今后五至十年将初步建成中国植物图像库,进一步补充完善植物基本信息和其它植物考察利用信息,开发多功能的数据分析应用软件,更好地发挥植物数据库的服务应用水平。 |
中国西南资源植物数据库 http://db.kib.ac.cn/ 是中科院昆明植物研究所承担建设的,是中国科学院科学数据库及其应用系统项目的重要组成部分。我国著名学者吴征镒院士定义植物资源为一切有用植物的总和,并将植物资源按用途分为五大类:食用植物资源、药用植物资源、工业用植物资源、保护和改造环境用植物资源、种质资源。中科院昆明植物研究所依托于云南及其毗邻地区独特的地域和植物资源优势,通过60多年的长期研究和实践积累,无论在理论还是实际应用方面都为植物资源的合理利用和有效保护积累了宝贵的资料财富。 因此,本专业数据库的建设紧密围绕昆明植物所的学科积累,突出中国西南植物资源的合理利用和有效保护。为西南野植物资源的科研、采集、开发利用、保存和保护提供科学、全面、系统的信息,努力实现资源共享、信息共享的智能支撑服务系统。 |
中国数字植物标本馆 http://www.cvh.ac.cn/ http://www.cvh.org.cn/ 中国数字植物标本馆”(简称“CVH”)建设宗旨是借助计算机网络及数字化技术,为用户提供一个方便快捷获取中国植物标本及相关植物学全面准确信息的平台。 |
Missouri Botanical Garden http://www.mobot.org Look up, view a photo and read about the over 3830 plants which are growing or have been grown in the Kemper Center display gardens (plus selected additions) by garden location, scientific name or common name. Search online for plants that meet any of 40 characteristics or uses including: height, bloom time, flower color, good fall color, attracts hummingbirds, and more to produce individualized lists of plants. Click HERE -- NEW! Access our detailed pest information on plants in the "Problems" section of each plant description. Information on plants Abelia - Camellia is currently available. For technical assistance, e-mail webhelp@mobot.org |
botanypictures.com http://www.botanypictures.com Largest free online photo database on flowers, trees and leafs, including macro photo's, by Antonie van den Bos (ethnopharmacologic plants). With latin names, family names and origin. So for educational purposes (like illustrating a thesis at school or university and alike) or for scientific purposes (like illustrating a scientific article or presentation in e.g. a botanical magazine and alike) all pictures may be downloaded and reproduced and multiplied in printing. This on the condition that the text in the pictures, containing the name of the specimen and the name of the photographer and copyright-holder's website-address, will be clearly visible and readable in all circumstances. For commercial or public use you may contact us at our contact form here . A fee will be negotiated |
http://home.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/shoyaku/member/yamasaki/research-e.html Search for bioactive substance from the Nature (mainly higher plants), and application to development of naturally occurring medicine Araliaceae, Menispermaceae, Acanthaceae, Leguminosae, Icacinaceae, Lythraceae, Myrtaceae, Boraginaceae, Bignoniaceae, Cucurbitaceae, etc. You can see more PLANT PHOTOS (2168 shots) taken in Asian Country (Thailand) and Madagascar. If you are interested, contact me at yamasaki@thu.ac.jp |
http://ctfs.si.edu/ Welcome to the digital flora of Panama. You may access the species list of common trees, shrubs and palms by species name, family, or by their common names in Panama. For each species, we have included a botanical description, photos, scans, drawings, and a distribution map which shows its presence or absence in a series of floristic inventories and plots established by the Center for Tropical Forest Science in the Panama Canal watershed. This is an ongoing project. COMMERCIAL USE IS RESTRICTED : Unauthorized commercial publication or exploitation of text, images or content of this website is specifically prohibited. Anyone wishing to use any of these files or images for commercial use, publication, or any purpose other than fair use as defined by law, must request and receive prior written permission from the Smithsonian Institution. Permission for such use is granted on a case-by-case basis at the sole discretion of Smithsonian's Office of Product Development and Licensing. A usage fee may be assessed depending on the type and nature of the proposed use. RightsManager@si.edu Smithsonian's Office of Product Development and Licensing |
http://sloth.ots.ac.cr/ Bienvenido a la Flórula Digital de la Estación Biológica La Selva, una base de datos de referencia de las plantas vasculares de la estación. Cuando esté completa, esta herramienta contendrá la información sobre caracteres de diagnóstico y la nomenclatura de la especie, así como información sobre: hábitat, fenología, polinización, historia natural, etc. para cada especie de planta vascular registrada para La Selva. Copyright ? 2002 Organization for Tropical Studies. Please send comments to: webmaster@ots.ac.cr |
http://www.biolib.de/ Now over 100000 scanned pages available! Page No. 100000 comes from the book about British sea-weeds and shows the algae Sphacelaria scoparia. This is a 'nature print' done using the plant itself. (14. September 2005) If you are interested, contact me at stueber@mpiz-koeln.mpg.de |
http://www.hear.org A collection of images, maps, and reports of plants of Hawaii. A collection of 40,000+ copyright-free high-resolution images for 1,500+ plant taxa, by Forest & Kim Starr (USGS). Comments? Questions? Send e-mail to: webmaster@hear.org. |