东北山梅花Philadelphus schrenkii Rupr.
东北山梅花Philadelphus schrenkii Rupr.
4. 东北山梅花(东北木本植物图志)辽东山梅花(中国树木分类学),石氏山梅花(经济植物手册)
Philadelphus schrenkii Rupr. in Bull. Phys. Math. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb. 15: 365. 1857 et in Mel. Biol. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb. 2: 542. 1858; Koehne, Deutsch. Dendr. 182. 1893 et Mitt. Deutsch. Dendr. Ges. 1904 (13); 84. 1904; Kom. in Acta Hort. Petrop. 22: 429. 1903; Schneid. Ill. Handb. Laubh. 1: 372. fig. 237 w-w2. 1905; Smith in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 36: 500. 1905; Nakai, Fl. Sylv. Kor. 15: 53. pl. 12. 1962; Minami, List. Pl. Manch. Mong. 183. 1926; Chung in Mem. Sci. Soc. China 1: 64. 1924; Rehd. Man. Cult. Trees & Shrubs 276. 1927 et ed. 2, 271. 1940 et Bibl. Cult. Trees & Shrubs 193. 1949; 陈嵘, 中国树木分类学, 374. 1937; Bean, Trees & Shrubs ed. 7, 2: 419. 1950 et in Chitt, Dict. Gard. 3: 1546. 1951; S. Y. Hu in Journ. Arn. Arb. 36: 357. 1955; 胡先骕, 经济植物手册, 上册, 487. 1955; 东北木本植物图志266. 图版95. 图174. 1955; 中国高等植物图鉴2: 96. 图1921. 1972.
《Flora of China》 Vol. 8 (2001)
Philadelphus schrenkii Ruprecht
东北山梅花 dong bei shan mei hua
Shrubs 2-4 m tall. Branchlets of previous year grayish brown or gray, glabrous, those of current year brown, villous. Petiole 3-10 mm; leaf blade ovate or elliptic-ovate, 7-13 × 4-7 cm on vegetative shoots, 4.5-7.5 × 1.5-4 cm on flowering shoots, abaxially villous along veins, adaxially glabrous, veins 3-5, basifugal, base cuneate or broadly so, margin serrate, apex acuminate. Racemes 5-7-flowered; rachis yellowish green, 2-5 cm, sparsely villous; pedicels 6-12 mm. Calyx yellowish green when dry; tube sparsely pubescent; lobes ovate, 4-7 mm, conspicuously veined. Corolla discoid; petals white, obovate or oblong-obovate, 1(-1.8) × (0.7-)1.2 cm, glabrous. Stamens 25-30, longest ones ca. 1 cm. Disc subconcave. Style divided for 1/2 its length or more, hirtellous; stigmas mallet-shaped, 1-1.5 mm, shorter than anthers. Capsule ellipsoid, 8-9.5 × 3.5-4.5 mm. Seeds 2-2.5, shortly tailed. Fl. Jun-Jul, fr. Aug-Oct.
Mixed forests; 100-1500 m. Hebei, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Shaanxi [Korea, SE Russia].
科名:虎耳草科 Saxifragaceae
属名:山梅花属 Philadelphus
4. 东北山梅花(东北木本植物图志)辽东山梅花(中国树木分类学),石氏山梅花(经济植物手册)
Philadelphus schrenkii Rupr. in Bull. Phys. Math. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb. 15: 365. 1857 et in Mel. Biol. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb. 2: 542. 1858; Koehne, Deutsch. Dendr. 182. 1893 et Mitt. Deutsch. Dendr. Ges. 1904 (13); 84. 1904; Kom. in Acta Hort. Petrop. 22: 429. 1903; Schneid. Ill. Handb. Laubh. 1: 372. fig. 237 w-w2. 1905; Smith in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 36: 500. 1905; Nakai, Fl. Sylv. Kor. 15: 53. pl. 12. 1962; Minami, List. Pl. Manch. Mong. 183. 1926; Chung in Mem. Sci. Soc. China 1: 64. 1924; Rehd. Man. Cult. Trees & Shrubs 276. 1927 et ed. 2, 271. 1940 et Bibl. Cult. Trees & Shrubs 193. 1949; 陈嵘, 中国树木分类学, 374. 1937; Bean, Trees & Shrubs ed. 7, 2: 419. 1950 et in Chitt, Dict. Gard. 3: 1546. 1951; S. Y. Hu in Journ. Arn. Arb. 36: 357. 1955; 胡先骕, 经济植物手册, 上册, 487. 1955; 东北木本植物图志266. 图版95. 图174. 1955; 中国高等植物图鉴2: 96. 图1921. 1972.
《Flora of China》 Vol. 8 (2001)
Philadelphus schrenkii Ruprecht
东北山梅花 dong bei shan mei hua
Shrubs 2-4 m tall. Branchlets of previous year grayish brown or gray, glabrous, those of current year brown, villous. Petiole 3-10 mm; leaf blade ovate or elliptic-ovate, 7-13 × 4-7 cm on vegetative shoots, 4.5-7.5 × 1.5-4 cm on flowering shoots, abaxially villous along veins, adaxially glabrous, veins 3-5, basifugal, base cuneate or broadly so, margin serrate, apex acuminate. Racemes 5-7-flowered; rachis yellowish green, 2-5 cm, sparsely villous; pedicels 6-12 mm. Calyx yellowish green when dry; tube sparsely pubescent; lobes ovate, 4-7 mm, conspicuously veined. Corolla discoid; petals white, obovate or oblong-obovate, 1(-1.8) × (0.7-)1.2 cm, glabrous. Stamens 25-30, longest ones ca. 1 cm. Disc subconcave. Style divided for 1/2 its length or more, hirtellous; stigmas mallet-shaped, 1-1.5 mm, shorter than anthers. Capsule ellipsoid, 8-9.5 × 3.5-4.5 mm. Seeds 2-2.5, shortly tailed. Fl. Jun-Jul, fr. Aug-Oct.
Mixed forests; 100-1500 m. Hebei, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Shaanxi [Korea, SE Russia].