
银白杨Populus alba Linn.

银白杨Populus alba Linn.

别名:white poplar;阿克特乃克;白杨树;孟棍-奥力牙苏;罗圈杨;白杨;白背杨;罗圏杨;白柳;银叶白杨;响叶杨;

科名:杨柳科 Salicaceae

属名:杨属 Populus

  Populus alba L. Sp. Pl. 1034. 1753; Schneid. in Sarg. Pl. Wils. 3: 37. 1916; Rehd. Man. Cult. Trees and Shrubs 84. 1927; Hao in Contr. Inst. Bot. Nat. Acad. Peiping 3: 227. 1935; Kom. Fl. URSS, 5: 225. 1936;陈嵘, 中国树木分类学, 112. 1937; 刘慎谔等, 东北木本植物图志, 112.图版9: 1-2. 图版12: 32. 1935; Poljak. in Fl. Kazakhst. 3: 40. 1960;中国高等植物图鉴, 1: 350. 图700. 1972; 秦岭植物志, 1 (2): 16. 1974; 西藏植物名录, 43. 1980.

《Flora of China》 Vol. 4 (1999)
Populus alba  Linnaeus
银白杨   yin bai yang
Trees to 30 m tall, suckering freely; crown broad. Branchlets at first white tomentose; shoots grayish green or brownish, terete, densely white tomentose. Buds russet, ovoid, 4-5 mm, densely white tomentose, glabrescent, shiny. Leaves of short branchlets with petiole slightly flattened, ca. as long as leaf blade; leaf blade ovate-orbicular or elliptic-ovate, 4-8 × 2-5 cm, both surfaces tomentose. Leaves of sprouts and long shoots ovate-orbicular, middle lobe much larger than lateral ones, 4-10 × 3-8 cm, adaxially white tomentose at first, somewhat glabrescent, base broadly cuneate, rounded, truncate, or subcordate, palmately 3-5-lobed; margin irregularly notched; lateral lobes spreading nearly obtusely, entire or notched-lobed. Male catkin 3-6 cm. Male flower: stamens 8-10. Female catkin 5-10 cm. Female flower: stipe short; stigma 2-lobed. Capsule narrowly conical, ca. 5 mm, glabrous, 2-valved. Fl. Apr-May, fr. May.
Native in Xinjiang; planted in Gansu, Hebei, Henan, Liaoning, Nei Mongol, Ningxia, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Xinjiang [N Africa, SW and WC Asia, Europe].