川西蔷薇Rosa sikangensis Yü et Ku
川西蔷薇Rosa sikangensis Yü et Ku
19.川西蔷薇 西康蔷薇 (植物分类学报) 图版59: 7-9
Rosa sikangensis Yu et Ku, 植物分类学报18(4): 501. 1980.
小灌木,高1-1.5 米;小枝近无毛;有成对或散生皮刺,混生细密针刺,针刺幼时顶端有腺。小叶7-9 (-13),连叶柄长3-5厘米;小叶片长圆形或倒卵形,长6-10毫米,宽4-8毫米,先端圆钝或截形,基部近圆形或宽楔形,边缘有细密重锯齿,上面无毛或有毛,下面有毛有腺;小叶柄和叶轴有柔毛和腺;托叶宽,大部贴生于叶柄,离生部份卵形或镰刀状,边缘有腺,有毛或无毛。花单生,无苞片;果梗短,长8-12毫米,有腺毛;花直径约2.5厘米;萼筒卵球形,无毛,萼片4,卵状披针形,先端长渐尖,全缘,内面密被柔毛,外面较少而有腺毛;花瓣4,白色,倒卵形,先端微凹,基部宽楔形;花柱离生,被长柔毛,比雄蕊短很多。果近球形,直径约1厘米,红色,外面有腺毛;果梗细,有腺毛。
本种近似绢毛蔷薇R. sericea Lindl.,惟后者小叶边仅上半部有单锯齿,下面密被柔毛,无腺,可以区别。
形态特征:灌木,高1--1.5米;小枝近无毛,有成对或散生皮刺,混生细密针刺,针刺幼时顶端 有腺。小叶7--9(--13),连叶柄长3—5厘米;小叶片长圆形或倒卵形;长6--10毫米,宽 4—8毫米,先端圆钝或截形,基部近圆形或宽楔形,边缘有细密重锯齿,上面无毛或有毛, 下面有毛有腺;小叶柄和叶轴有柔毛和腺;大部贴生于叶柄,离生部分卵形或镰刀 状,边缘有腺,有毛或无毛,花单生,无苞片;果梗短,长8--12毫米,有腺毛;花直径约2.5 厘米;萼简卵球形,无毛,萼片4,卵状披针形,先端长渐尖,全缘,内面密被柔毛,外面较少 而有腺毛;花瓣4,白色,倒卵形,先端微凹,基部宽楔形;花柱离生;被长柔毛,比雄蕊短很 多。果近球形,直径约1厘米,红色,外面有腺毛;果梗细,有腺毛。
产地分布:产四川、云南、西藏。多生于河边、路旁或灌丛中,海拔2900--4150米。模式标本采 自四川稻城。
本种提示:本种近似绢毛蔷薇R.Sericea Lindl,惟后者小卟边仅上半部有单锯齿,下面密被柔 毛,无腺,可以区别。
《Flora of China》 Vol. 9 (2003)
Rosa sikangensis T. T. Yu & T. C. Ku
川西蔷薇 chuan xi qiang wei
Shrubs small, 1–1.5 m tall. Branchlets terete, subglabrous; prickles in pairs below leaves, or sparse and intermixed with dense slender bristles; bristles glandular apically when young. Leaves including petiole 3–5 cm; stipules broad, mostly adnate to petiole, free parts ovate or hooked, pubescent or glabrous, margin glandular; rachis and petiole pubescent and glandular-pubescent; leaflets 7–9(–13), oblong or obovate, 6–10 × 4–8 mm, abaxially pubescent and glandular, adaxially glabrous or pubescent, base subrounded or broadly cuneate, margin densely doubly serrate, apex rounded-obtuse or truncate. Flower solitary, axillary, ca. 2.5 cm in diam.; pedicel 8–12 mm, glandular-pubescent; bracts absent. Hypanthium ovoid, glabrous. Sepals 4, ovate-lanceolate, abaxially sparsely pubescent and glandular, adaxially densely pubescent, margin entire, apex long acuminate. Petals 4, white, obovate, base broadly cuneate, apex emarginate. Styles free, much shorter than stamens, villous. Hip red, subglobose, ca. 1 cm in diam., abaxially glandular-pubescent; pedicel 8–12 mm, slender, glandular-pubescent. Fl. May–Jun, fr. Jul–Sep.
Scrub, river sides, roadsides; 2900--4200 m. Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan.
One of us (Robertson) has seen no specimens of this species.
Two forms may be recognized: f. sikangensis, which has leaflets adaxially glandular and f. pilosa T. C. Ku (Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin 10(1): 1. 1990), which has leaflets adaxially eglandular or glandular only along the veins.
科名:蔷薇科 Rosaceae
属名:蔷薇属 Rosa
19.川西蔷薇 西康蔷薇 (植物分类学报) 图版59: 7-9
Rosa sikangensis Yu et Ku, 植物分类学报18(4): 501. 1980.
小灌木,高1-1.5 米;小枝近无毛;有成对或散生皮刺,混生细密针刺,针刺幼时顶端有腺。小叶7-9 (-13),连叶柄长3-5厘米;小叶片长圆形或倒卵形,长6-10毫米,宽4-8毫米,先端圆钝或截形,基部近圆形或宽楔形,边缘有细密重锯齿,上面无毛或有毛,下面有毛有腺;小叶柄和叶轴有柔毛和腺;托叶宽,大部贴生于叶柄,离生部份卵形或镰刀状,边缘有腺,有毛或无毛。花单生,无苞片;果梗短,长8-12毫米,有腺毛;花直径约2.5厘米;萼筒卵球形,无毛,萼片4,卵状披针形,先端长渐尖,全缘,内面密被柔毛,外面较少而有腺毛;花瓣4,白色,倒卵形,先端微凹,基部宽楔形;花柱离生,被长柔毛,比雄蕊短很多。果近球形,直径约1厘米,红色,外面有腺毛;果梗细,有腺毛。
本种近似绢毛蔷薇R. sericea Lindl.,惟后者小叶边仅上半部有单锯齿,下面密被柔毛,无腺,可以区别。
形态特征:灌木,高1--1.5米;小枝近无毛,有成对或散生皮刺,混生细密针刺,针刺幼时顶端 有腺。小叶7--9(--13),连叶柄长3—5厘米;小叶片长圆形或倒卵形;长6--10毫米,宽 4—8毫米,先端圆钝或截形,基部近圆形或宽楔形,边缘有细密重锯齿,上面无毛或有毛, 下面有毛有腺;小叶柄和叶轴有柔毛和腺;大部贴生于叶柄,离生部分卵形或镰刀 状,边缘有腺,有毛或无毛,花单生,无苞片;果梗短,长8--12毫米,有腺毛;花直径约2.5 厘米;萼简卵球形,无毛,萼片4,卵状披针形,先端长渐尖,全缘,内面密被柔毛,外面较少 而有腺毛;花瓣4,白色,倒卵形,先端微凹,基部宽楔形;花柱离生;被长柔毛,比雄蕊短很 多。果近球形,直径约1厘米,红色,外面有腺毛;果梗细,有腺毛。
产地分布:产四川、云南、西藏。多生于河边、路旁或灌丛中,海拔2900--4150米。模式标本采 自四川稻城。
本种提示:本种近似绢毛蔷薇R.Sericea Lindl,惟后者小卟边仅上半部有单锯齿,下面密被柔 毛,无腺,可以区别。
《Flora of China》 Vol. 9 (2003)
Rosa sikangensis T. T. Yu & T. C. Ku
川西蔷薇 chuan xi qiang wei
Shrubs small, 1–1.5 m tall. Branchlets terete, subglabrous; prickles in pairs below leaves, or sparse and intermixed with dense slender bristles; bristles glandular apically when young. Leaves including petiole 3–5 cm; stipules broad, mostly adnate to petiole, free parts ovate or hooked, pubescent or glabrous, margin glandular; rachis and petiole pubescent and glandular-pubescent; leaflets 7–9(–13), oblong or obovate, 6–10 × 4–8 mm, abaxially pubescent and glandular, adaxially glabrous or pubescent, base subrounded or broadly cuneate, margin densely doubly serrate, apex rounded-obtuse or truncate. Flower solitary, axillary, ca. 2.5 cm in diam.; pedicel 8–12 mm, glandular-pubescent; bracts absent. Hypanthium ovoid, glabrous. Sepals 4, ovate-lanceolate, abaxially sparsely pubescent and glandular, adaxially densely pubescent, margin entire, apex long acuminate. Petals 4, white, obovate, base broadly cuneate, apex emarginate. Styles free, much shorter than stamens, villous. Hip red, subglobose, ca. 1 cm in diam., abaxially glandular-pubescent; pedicel 8–12 mm, slender, glandular-pubescent. Fl. May–Jun, fr. Jul–Sep.
Scrub, river sides, roadsides; 2900--4200 m. Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan.
One of us (Robertson) has seen no specimens of this species.
Two forms may be recognized: f. sikangensis, which has leaflets adaxially glandular and f. pilosa T. C. Ku (Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin 10(1): 1. 1990), which has leaflets adaxially eglandular or glandular only along the veins.