
毡毛石韦Pyrrosia drakeana (Franch.) Ching

毡毛石韦Pyrrosia drakeana (Franch.) Ching


科名:水龙骨科 Polypodiaceae

属名:石韦属 Pyrrosia

  Pyrrosia drakeana (Franch.) Ching in Bull. Chin. Bot. Soc. 1: 65. 1935, Ic. Fil. Sin. 3: Pl, 148. 1935; Ic. Corm. Sin. 1: 270. 1972; Fl. Tsingling. 2: 190. 1974; Y. L. Zhang et al., SPorae Pterid. Sin. 365. t. 83: 7-9. 1976; B. Z. Ding et al., Fl. Honan 1: 115. 1981; Ching et S. K. Wu in C. Y. Wu, Fl. Xizang. 1: 340. 1983; Hovenk., Monogr. Pyrrosia 175. f. 17. 1986; Shing et K. lwats. in J. Jap. Bot. 72(2): 85-86. 1997. ——Polypodium drakeanum Franch., Pl. David. 1: 355. 1884, 2: 161. 1888. ——Niphobolus drakeana (Franch.) Diels f. elongata Christ ex Diels inBot. Jahrb. 29: 207. 1900. ——Niphobolus inaequalis Christ in Bull. Soc. Bot. France52: mem. 125. 1905. 1905.
  植株高25-60厘米。根状茎短促,横卧,密被披针形棕色鳞片;鳞片具长尾状渐尖头,周身密被睫状毛,顶端的睫状毛丛生,分叉和卷曲,膜质,全缘。叶近生,一型;叶柄长12-17厘米,粗壮,坚硬,基部密被鳞片,向上密被星状毛,禾秆色或棕色;叶片阔披针形,短渐尖头,基部通常扩展成为最宽处,近圆楔形,不对称,稍下延,长12-23厘米,宽4-8 (-10)厘米,全缘,或下部呈波状浅裂,干后革面灰绿色,光滑无毛,但密布洼点,下面灰绿色,被两种星状毛。主脉下面隆起,上面平坦,侧脉可见,小脉不显。孢子囊群近圆形,整齐地成多行排列星状毛覆盖,呈淡棕色,成熟时孢子囊开裂,呈砖红色,不汇合。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 2-3 (2013)
Pyrrosia drakeana  (Franchet) Ching Bull. Chin. Bot. Soc. 1: 65. 1935.
毡毛石韦   zhan mao shi wei
Polypodium drakeanum Franchet, Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat., sér. 2, 7: 165. 1883; Cyclophorus drakeanus (Franchet) C. Christensen; Niphobolus drakeanus Diels; N. drakeanus f. elongata Christ ex Diels; Pyrrosia pseudodrakeana K. H. Shing.
Plants 25-70 cm tall. Rhizome short or occasionally shortly elongated, 2-7 mm in diam., in cross section with many scattered sclerenchyma strands; phyllopodia contiguous or up to 2.5 cm apart, lateral buds on or close to internodes. Scales pseudopeltate, 2.5-11 × 0.6-1.3 mm, base entire to ciliate; acumen dull brown to blackish with a straw-colored margin, dentate to ciliate. Fronds monomorphic, stipitate; stipe 10-30 cm, (0.1-)2 × as long as lamina; lamina widest below or at middle, 12-36 × 4-8(-10) cm, base truncate to ± abruptly cuneate, usually asymmetrical, sometimes with an obtuse, short tooth on one side, apex obtuse, acute, or acuminate. Hydathodes distinct, superficial to slightly prominent. Indument persistent, dense, brown, dimorphic, upper layer of hairs (0.8-)1-1.6 mm in diam., with acicular rays, ± mixed with a lower layer with woolly rays. Sori superficial, without central bundle of paraphyses. Sporangia sessile or with stalks up to 0.5 × as long as capsule.
Mixed forests on mountain slopes, on tree trunks, on rocks or rocky cliffs, on slopes, beside streams; 1000-3600 m. Gansu, Guangxi, Guizhou, Henan, Hubei, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan [India].
The name Pyrrosia intermedia Goy was mistakenly applied to this species by Shing (Amer. Fern J. 73(3): 78. 1983). Pyrrosia pseudodrakeana was distinguished by a more appressed indument with smaller hairs with boat-shaped rays; but this represents just one extreme of a gradual variation, and it cannot be reliably distinguished.