
尼泊尔酸模Rumex nepalensis Spreng.

尼泊尔酸模Rumex nepalensis Spreng.


科名:蓼科 Polygonaceae

属名:酸模属 Rumex

  19.尼泊尔酸模 土大黄
  Rumex nepalensis Spreng. Syst. Veg. 2: 159. 1825; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. 5: 60. 1886; Forb. et Hemsl. in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 26: 257. 1891; Rech. f. in Candollea 12: 112. f. 2. A. 1949;湖北植物志1: 257.图353. 1976; Hara, Enum. Flow. Pl. Nep. 3: 179. 1982;西藏植物志1: 603. 1983; Borod. in Pl. Asiae Centr. 9: 83. 1989.——R. ramulosus Meisn. in DC. Prodr. 14 (1): 55. 1856. ——R. esquirolii Levl. in Fedde, Repert. Sp. Nov. 11: 550. 1913.

《Flora of China》 Vol. 5 (2003)
Rumex nepalensis  Sprengel
尼泊尔酸模   ni bo er suan mo
Herbs perennial. Roots large. Stems erect, 50-100 cm tall, branched above, glabrous, grooved. Basal leaves: petiole 4-10 cm; leaf blade broadly ovate, 10-15 × 4-8 cm, both surfaces glabrous or abaxially minutely papillate along veins, base cordate, margin entire, apex acute; cauline leaves shortly petiolate, ovate-lanceolate; ocrea fugacious, membranous. Inflorescence paniculate. Flowers bisexual. Pedicel articulate below middle. Outer tepals elliptic, ca. 1.5 mm; inner tepals enlarged in fruit; valves broadly ovate, 5-6 mm, valves all or 1 or 2 with tubercles, base truncate, each margin with 7 or 8 teeth, apex acute; teeth 1.5-3 mm, apex hooked or straight. Achenes brown, shiny, ovoid, sharply trigonous, ca. 3 mm, base truncate, apex acute. Fl. Apr-May, fr. Jun-Jul.
Grassy slopes, moist valleys, along ditches; 1000-4300 m. S Gansu, Guangxi, Guizhou, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, SW Qinghai, S Shaanxi, Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan [Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Japan (introduced), Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sikkim, Tajikistan, Vietnam; SW Asia].