大叶木莲Manglietia megaphylla Hu et Cheng
大叶木莲Manglietia megaphylla Hu et Cheng
1. 大叶木莲(植物分类学报) 图版17:1-18
Manglietia megaphylla Hu et Cheng in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 1: 158. 1951; 中国树木志1: 428.图121. 1983.
乔木,高达30-40米,胸径80-100厘米;小枝、叶下面、叶柄、托叶、果柄、佛焰苞状苞片均密被锈褐色长绒毛。叶革质,常5-6片集生于枝端,倒卵形,先端短尖,2/3以下渐狭,基部楔形,长25-50厘米,宽10-20厘米,上面无毛,侧脉每边20-22条,网脉稀疏,干时两面均凸起;叶柄长2-3厘米;托叶痕为叶柄长的1/3-2/3 。花梗粗壮,长3.5-4厘米,径约1.5厘米,紧靠花被下具1厚约3毫米的佛焰苞状苞片;花被片厚肉质,9-10片,3轮,外轮3片倒卵状长圆形,长4.5-5厘米,宽2.5-2.8厘米,腹面具约7条纵纹,内面2轮较狭小;雄蕊群被长柔毛,雄蕊长1.2-1.5厘米,花药长0.8-1厘米,药室分离,宽约1毫米,药隔伸出一成长约1毫米的三角尖;花丝宽扁,长约2毫米;雌蕊群卵圆形,长2-2.5厘米,具60-75枚雌蕊,无毛;雌蕊长约1.5厘米,具1纵沟直至花柱末端。聚合果卵球形或长圆状卵圆形,长 6.5-11厘米;蓇葖长2.5-3厘米,顶端尖,稍向外弯,沿背缝及腹缝开裂;果梗粗壮,长1-3厘米,直径1-1.3厘米。花期6月,果期9-10月。
产于广西(靖西)、云南(西畴)。生于海拔450-1 500米的山地林中,沟谷两旁。模式标本采自西畴法斗。
《Flora of China》 Vol. 7 (2008)
Manglietia dandyi (Gagnepain) Dandy in Praglowski World Pollen Spore Fl. 3(Magnoliaceae): 5. 1974.
大叶木莲 da ye mu lian
Magnolia dandyi Gagnepain, Notul. Syst. (Paris) 8: 63. 1939; M. megaphylla (Hu & W. C. Cheng) V. S. Kumar; Manglietia megaphylla Hu & W. C. Cheng; ?M. sinoconifera F. N. Wei.
Trees, 30-50 m tall, 80-100 cm d.b.h. Branches, leaf blade abaxial surfaces, petioles, stipules, peduncles, and spathaceous bracts densely long ferruginous tomentose. Stipular scar 1/3-2/3 as long as petiole. Leaves usually 5 or 6 clustered on branch apex; petiole 2-3 cm; leaf blade obovate, 25-50 × 10-20 cm, leathery, basal ca. 2/3 narrowed, adaxially glabrous, secondary veins 20-22 on each side of midvein, reticulate veins sparse and prominent on both surfaces when dry, base cuneate, apex acute. Brachyblasts thick and strong, 3.5-4 × ca. 1.5 cm; spathaceous bract 1, ca. 3 mm basal to tepals. Tepals 9 or 10, in 3 whorls, fleshy; tepals of outer whorl obovate-oblong, 4.5-5 × 2.5-2.8 cm, adaxially ca. 7-striated; tepals of inner 2 whorls smaller. Stamens villous, 1.2-1.5 cm; filaments flat, ca. 2 mm; connective exserted with a ca. 1 mm triangular appendage; anthers 8-10 mm, thecae distinct and ca. 1 mm wide. Gynoecium ovoid, 2-2.5 cm; carpels 60-75, ca. 1.5 cm, glabrous, with 1 furrow reaching to style apex. Fruiting brachyblasts thick and strong, 1-3 × 1-1.3 cm. Fruit ovoid to long ellipsoid, 6.5-11 cm; mature carpels 2.5-3 cm, extrorsely slightly curved, dehiscent along dorsal and ventral sutures, apex acute. Fl. Jun, fr. Sep-Dec. 2n = 38.
Evergreen broad-leaved forests; 400-1500 m. W Guangxi, SE Yunnan [Laos, Vietnam].
Manglietia admirabilis Y. W. Law & R. Z. Zhou (in Y. H. Liu, Magnolias China, 120. 2004) probably belongs here but was not validly published because no Latin description or diagnosis was provided and no type was indicated (Vienna Code, Art. 36.1 and 37.1).Manglietia admirabilis Y. W. Law & R. Z. Zhou (in Y. H. Liu, Magnolias China, 120. 2004) probably belongs here but was not validly published because no Latin description or diagnosis was provided and no type was indicated (Vienna Code, Art. 36.1 and 37.1).
科名:木兰科 Magnoliaceae
属名:木莲属 Manglietia
1. 大叶木莲(植物分类学报) 图版17:1-18
Manglietia megaphylla Hu et Cheng in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 1: 158. 1951; 中国树木志1: 428.图121. 1983.
乔木,高达30-40米,胸径80-100厘米;小枝、叶下面、叶柄、托叶、果柄、佛焰苞状苞片均密被锈褐色长绒毛。叶革质,常5-6片集生于枝端,倒卵形,先端短尖,2/3以下渐狭,基部楔形,长25-50厘米,宽10-20厘米,上面无毛,侧脉每边20-22条,网脉稀疏,干时两面均凸起;叶柄长2-3厘米;托叶痕为叶柄长的1/3-2/3 。花梗粗壮,长3.5-4厘米,径约1.5厘米,紧靠花被下具1厚约3毫米的佛焰苞状苞片;花被片厚肉质,9-10片,3轮,外轮3片倒卵状长圆形,长4.5-5厘米,宽2.5-2.8厘米,腹面具约7条纵纹,内面2轮较狭小;雄蕊群被长柔毛,雄蕊长1.2-1.5厘米,花药长0.8-1厘米,药室分离,宽约1毫米,药隔伸出一成长约1毫米的三角尖;花丝宽扁,长约2毫米;雌蕊群卵圆形,长2-2.5厘米,具60-75枚雌蕊,无毛;雌蕊长约1.5厘米,具1纵沟直至花柱末端。聚合果卵球形或长圆状卵圆形,长 6.5-11厘米;蓇葖长2.5-3厘米,顶端尖,稍向外弯,沿背缝及腹缝开裂;果梗粗壮,长1-3厘米,直径1-1.3厘米。花期6月,果期9-10月。
产于广西(靖西)、云南(西畴)。生于海拔450-1 500米的山地林中,沟谷两旁。模式标本采自西畴法斗。
《Flora of China》 Vol. 7 (2008)
Manglietia dandyi (Gagnepain) Dandy in Praglowski World Pollen Spore Fl. 3(Magnoliaceae): 5. 1974.
大叶木莲 da ye mu lian
Magnolia dandyi Gagnepain, Notul. Syst. (Paris) 8: 63. 1939; M. megaphylla (Hu & W. C. Cheng) V. S. Kumar; Manglietia megaphylla Hu & W. C. Cheng; ?M. sinoconifera F. N. Wei.
Trees, 30-50 m tall, 80-100 cm d.b.h. Branches, leaf blade abaxial surfaces, petioles, stipules, peduncles, and spathaceous bracts densely long ferruginous tomentose. Stipular scar 1/3-2/3 as long as petiole. Leaves usually 5 or 6 clustered on branch apex; petiole 2-3 cm; leaf blade obovate, 25-50 × 10-20 cm, leathery, basal ca. 2/3 narrowed, adaxially glabrous, secondary veins 20-22 on each side of midvein, reticulate veins sparse and prominent on both surfaces when dry, base cuneate, apex acute. Brachyblasts thick and strong, 3.5-4 × ca. 1.5 cm; spathaceous bract 1, ca. 3 mm basal to tepals. Tepals 9 or 10, in 3 whorls, fleshy; tepals of outer whorl obovate-oblong, 4.5-5 × 2.5-2.8 cm, adaxially ca. 7-striated; tepals of inner 2 whorls smaller. Stamens villous, 1.2-1.5 cm; filaments flat, ca. 2 mm; connective exserted with a ca. 1 mm triangular appendage; anthers 8-10 mm, thecae distinct and ca. 1 mm wide. Gynoecium ovoid, 2-2.5 cm; carpels 60-75, ca. 1.5 cm, glabrous, with 1 furrow reaching to style apex. Fruiting brachyblasts thick and strong, 1-3 × 1-1.3 cm. Fruit ovoid to long ellipsoid, 6.5-11 cm; mature carpels 2.5-3 cm, extrorsely slightly curved, dehiscent along dorsal and ventral sutures, apex acute. Fl. Jun, fr. Sep-Dec. 2n = 38.
Evergreen broad-leaved forests; 400-1500 m. W Guangxi, SE Yunnan [Laos, Vietnam].
Manglietia admirabilis Y. W. Law & R. Z. Zhou (in Y. H. Liu, Magnolias China, 120. 2004) probably belongs here but was not validly published because no Latin description or diagnosis was provided and no type was indicated (Vienna Code, Art. 36.1 and 37.1).Manglietia admirabilis Y. W. Law & R. Z. Zhou (in Y. H. Liu, Magnolias China, 120. 2004) probably belongs here but was not validly published because no Latin description or diagnosis was provided and no type was indicated (Vienna Code, Art. 36.1 and 37.1).
- 闁靛棗锕g花顖炲础濡や緡妲婚悶姘煎亐閳ь剚姊婚弫鎾诲箑娴i鐟㈤柣銏㈠枔婢у潡宕烽幍顔藉€為悷娆欑秬椤曚即濡寸€n亜姣夐柣妤€鐗炵槐婵堜沪閺囩姴绠涙俊鐐茬Х椤箓鎮崇€n亝绂囧鍕噹婵拷 [03-15]
- 婵炲柌鍕哎濞戞挻绮屽畷锟犳焾閵娿儱绲洪柣婊勬緲閺€顏囥亹閵忋埄娼犻柡鍌涙緲閻﹢鍨鹃弬琛″亾閺傚灝宕ラ梺鎻掓唉婵牗銈圭拠鑼剑 [03-15]
- 闁烩晝鍋撻悡鎾嫉閵娿儱顕ч柣顓℃珪瑜邦喚绮堥悜妯肩煆闁告顨呭﹢鎾礌閻戞ɑ绂堥柟鏋劜濠€渚€寮撮弶鎴犵暛閻炴哎鍊楀▓鎴︽倻椤撶偟鏁ㄦ俊鐐茬Х椤拷 [03-15]
- 婵$偛绉舵晶鍧楀礌閺嶎偆鍙鹃柟娲诲幘閵囨碍绋夊⿰鈧花鍦暜閸濄儴闆归梻鍐╂煥瑜伴箖寮稿Δ鍕闯婵犙勫姉濞堟垿寮崜浣叉晞鐎殿喖鍊藉婵嬪箑閿燂拷 [03-15]
- 闁哄绀侀惃顒傜矓瀹ュ洤鍙冮梺鎻掓捣閺佹挸顪冨鍥р挅濡炶鍓欓崣褔骞庨妷锔叫氶柛锔哄妽濡插懘寮版惔銏╂Щ闁绘せ鏅涘ú顖涳純閺嶎煈鍋х€殿喒鍋撻柤鐚存嫹 [03-15]
- 闂傚牊甯熷Λ灞绢殗濡搫鏂ч柛锔藉閵嗗倿宕樺鍡楁綉闁哄倹婢橀惈锟� [03-15]
- 闂傚牊甯熷Λ灞绢殗濡搫鏂ч柛娆愬灩楠炲洦绋夐妶鍥舵綒闁告帗妞介幗閬嶆嚀閾忣偅鐓€闁绘せ鏅濋~锟� [03-15]
- 閻犲鍨哄Λ妤呭炊閵忋倖袝闁告瑦鍨电粩閿嬵殗濡壈鍓搁柍銉︾矎缁夊鐥娴兼劙宕楀畡鏉跨樁闁炽儲绻愮槐婵嬪礉閳轰礁顫旈柛鈺勬椤㈠懘鎯嶉弮鍌楁晙闁告粌鐭傛禒鎰閻樺搫浠滅紒澶涙嫹 [03-15]