
垂叶黄精Polygonatum curvistylum Hua

垂叶黄精Polygonatum curvistylum Hua


科名:百合科 Liliaceae

属名:黄精属 Polygonatum

  25.垂叶黄精 图版25:3
  Polygonatum curvistylum Hua in Journ. de Bot. 6: 424. 1892.
  根状茎圆柱状,常分出短枝,或短枝极短而呈连珠状,直径5-10毫米。茎高15-35厘米,具很多轮叶。叶极多数为3-6枚轮生,很少间有单生或对生的,条状披针形至条形,长3-7厘米,宽1-5毫米,先端渐尖,先上举,现花后向下俯垂。单花或2朵成花序,总花梗(连同花梗)稍短至稍长于花;花被淡紫色,全长6-8毫米,裂片长1.5-2毫米;花丝长约 0.7毫米,稍粗糙,花药长约1.5毫米;子房长约2毫米,花柱约与子房等长。浆果红色,直径6-8毫米,有3-7颗种子。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 24 (2000)
Polygonatum curvistylum  Hua
垂叶黄精   chui ye huang jing
Rhizome usually shortly branched, subterete, sometimes submoniliform due to many short branches, 5--10 mm thick. Stem erect, 15--35 cm, glabrous. Leaves many, in whorls of 3--6, occasionally also alternate or opposite, sessile, linear-lanceolate to linear, 3--7 cm × 1--5 mm, apex acuminate, ascending before anthesis, ± pendulous after anthesis. Inflorescences 1- or 2-flowered; peduncle 7--9 mm; bracts caducous or absent. Flowers pendulous; pedicel 2--4 mm. Perianth pale purple, cylindric, 6--8 mm; lobes 1.5--2 mm. Filaments very short, ca. 0.7 mm, slightly scabrous; anthers ca. 1.5 mm. Ovary ca. 2 mm. Style subequaling ovary. Berries red, 6--8 mm in diam., 3--7-seeded. Fl. May--Jul, fr. Sep--Oct. 2 n = 28*.
* Forests, grasslands; 2700--3900 m. W Sichuan, NW Yunnan.