
皱叶荚蒾Viburnum rhytidophyllum Hemsl.

皱叶荚蒾Viburnum rhytidophyllum Hemsl.

别名:大糯米条;皱皮树;皱皮荚蒾;皱地荚蒾;羊台条;枇杷叶荚迷;黑汉条子;羊屎子;野枇杷;皱叶荚迷;枇杷叶荚蒾;毛羊屎树;山枇杷;leatherleaf arrowwood;

科名:忍冬科 Caprifoliaceae

属名:荚蒾属 Viburnum

  12. 皱叶荚蒾(拉汉种子植物名称)枇把叶荚蒾(中国高等植物图鉴)
  Viburnum rhytidophyllum Hemsl. in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 23: 355. 1888, et in Bot. Mag. 137: t. 8382. 1911; Rebd. in Sarg. Trees and Sbrubs 2: 39, t. 118. 1907, et in Sarg. Pl. Wils. 1: 110. 1911, et ibid. 1: 310. 1912; Hao in Contr. Inst. Bot. Nat. Acad. Peiping 1: 85. 1931, pro parte, excl. K. K. Tsoong 3050 et T. N. Liou 81; 中国高等植物图鉴4: 309, 图6032. 1975. ——Callicarpa vastitolia Diels in Bot. Jabrb. 29: 547. 1900.
  常绿灌木或小乔木,高达4米;幼枝、芽、叶下面、叶柄及花序均被由黄白色、黄褐色或红褐色簇状毛组成的厚绒毛,毛的分枝长0.3-0.7毫米;当年小枝粗壮,稍有棱角,二年生小枝红褐色或灰黑色,无毛,散生圆形小皮孔,老枝黑褐色。叶革质,卵状矩圆形至卵状披针形,长8-18 (-25) 厘米,顶端稍尖或略钝,基部圆形或微心形,全缘或有不明显小齿,上面深绿色有光泽,幼时疏被簇状柔毛,后变无毛,各脉深凹陷而呈极度皱纹状,下面有凸起网纹,侧脉6-8 (-12) 对,近缘处互相网结,很少直达齿端;叶柄粗壮,长1.5-3 (-4) 厘米。聚伞花序稠密,直径7-12厘米,总花梗粗壮,长1.5-4 (-7) 厘米,第一级辐射枝通常7条,四角状,粗壮,花生于第三级辐射枝上,无柄;萼筒筒状钟形,长2-3毫米,被由黄白色簇状毛组成的绒毛,长2-3毫米,萼齿微小,宽三角状卵形,长0.5-1毫米;花冠白色,辐状,直径5-7毫米,几无毛,裂片圆卵形,长2-3毫米,略长于筒;雄蕊高出花冠,花药宽椭圆形,长约1毫米。果实红色,后变黑色,宽椭圆形,长6-8毫米,无毛;核宽椭圆形,两端近截形,扁,长6-7毫米,直径4-5毫米,有2条背沟和3条腹沟。花期4-5月,果熟期9-10月。
用    途:木材黄白色,纹理致密,坚硬,易加工,不易变形,可加工为工具耙、擀面棍和损杖。树皮纤维可作麻、制绳索。
分    布:产泮水、板桥、断江坪、木鱼坪、大九湖、黄宝坪、刘家屋场、阳日湾、老君山、姚湾沟。
生    境:生长在海拔950—1700米的山坡、路边、沟旁或林缘。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 19 (2011)
Viburnum rhytidophyllum  Hemsley J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 23: 355. 1888.
皱叶荚蒾   zhou ye jia mi
Callicarpa vastifolia Diels.
Shrubs or small trees, evergreen, to 4 m tall. Bark gray-brownish. Branchlets of current year robust, thickly yellow-whitish, yellow-brownish, or red-brownish stellate-tomentose; branchlets of previous year red-brownish or gray-blackish, terete, glabrous, with dispersed, small, rounded lenticels. Winter buds naked, yellow-brownish, or red-brownish stellate-tomentose. Leaves always opposite, not clustered at apices of branchlets; stipules absent; petiole green, robust, 1.5-3(-4) cm, thickly yellow-whitish, yellow-brownish, or red-brownish stellate-tomentose; leaf blade yellow-whitish, yellow-brownish, or red-brownish when young, becoming intense green adaxially, ovate-oblong to ovate-lanceolate, rarely lanceolate, 8-18(-25) × (1.5-)2.5-8 cm, leathery, abaxially strongly rugose, obviously reticulate, adaxially lustrous, sparsely stellate-pubescent when young, glabrescent, midvein raised abaxially, lateral veins 6-8(-12)-jugate, pinnate, arched, branched, anastomosing near margin, very rarely ending in teeth, raised abaxially, slightly raised adaxially, veinlets transverse, conspicuous abaxially, inconspicuous adaxially, not lobed, base rounded or slightly cordate, without glands, margin entire or inconspicuously dentate, apex slightly acute or obtuse. Flowers appearing after leaves; inflorescence a compound umbel-like cyme, terminal, 7-12 cm in diam.; rays whorled; first node of inflorescence usually with 7 rays, dense, yellow-whitish, yellow-brownish, or red-brownish stellate-tomentose, without large sterile radiant flowers; peduncle robust, 1.5-4(-7) cm; bracts caducous, leaflike, green, linear to linear-lanceolate, stellate-pubescent; bracteoles linear. Flowers on rays of 3rd order, not fragrant, subsessile or shortly pedicellate. Calyx greenish; tube tubular-campanulate, 2-3 mm, yellow-whitish stellate-tomentose; lobes broadly triangular-ovate, very small, 0.5-1 mm, sparsely stellate-pubescent, apex obtuse, slightly ciliate. Corolla white, pinkish in bud and outside, rotate, 5-7 mm in diam., subglabrous; tube 3-4 mm; lobes spreading, orbicular-ovate, 2-3 mm, apex rounded, margin entire. Stamens exceeding corolla, inserted near base of corolla tube; filaments ca. 6 mm; anthers yellow, broadly elliptic, ca. 1 mm. Styles slightly exceeding calyx lobes; stigmas capitate. Fruit initially turning red, maturing black, broadly elliptic, 6-8 mm, base rounded, apex rounded, glabrous or sparsely stellate-pubescent; pyrenes compressed, broadly elliptic, 6-7 × 4-5 mm, with 2 dorsal grooves and 3 ventral grooves, apex rounded. Fl. Apr-May, fr. Sep-Oct. 2n = 18*.
● Forests, thickets; 700-2400 m. Guizhou, W Hubei, S Shaanxi, Sichuan.