鸡蛋参Codonopsis convolvulacea Kurz
鸡蛋参Codonopsis convolvulacea Kurz
39. 鸡蛋参(中国高等植物图鉴)
Codonopsis convolvulacea Kurz, Journ. Bot. 11: 195. 1873; Oliv., Hook. Icon. Pl. 24: t. 2385, 1895; Kom., Act. Hort. Petrop. 29: 102. 1908; Chipp, Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 38: 389, 1908, p. p.; Prain, Bot. Mag. 134: pl. 8176, 1908; Tsoong, Contr. Inst. Bot. Nat. Acad. Peiping 3 (3): 90. 1935.
这是一个极其多型的种,曾被分为好几个种,但是这些类型之间并无相当明确的界限。有的类型占据独立的地理分布区,如 var. vinciflora 占据整个种分布区的西北部。而 var. pinifolia 则占据独特的生态,它生长于金沙江的干旱河谷里。
种拉丁名:Codonopsis convolvulacea Kurz
海 拔:1000-3000
【药 名】:鸡蛋参
【来 源】:为桔梗科植物金线吊葫芦的根。
【功 效】:补肺益肾。
【主 治】:治肺虚咳嗽,体虚自汗,疝气,偏坠。
【别 名】:金线壶卢(《植物名实图考》)、补血草、牛尾参(《云南中草药》)
【拉丁名】:Codonopsis convolvulacea Kurz
【考 证】:出自《昆明药植调查报告》;《植物名实图考》:“金线壶卢,生江西建昌山中。硬根劲蔓,俱黑赫色。嫩枝细绿叶,柄长韧,叶本圆缺如马蹄,而末出长尖,中腰微凹,有似细腰壶户。”
《Flora of China》 Vol. 19 (2011)
Codonopsis convolvulacea Kurz J. Bot. 11: 195. 1873.
鸡蛋参 ji dan shen
Roots tuberous, ovoid-globose or ovoid, 2.5-5 × 1-1.5 cm. Stems twining, usually with a few branches, up to more than 1 m, glabrous. Leaves alternate or sometimes opposite, evenly distributed along stems; petiole absent or to 22 mm; blade linear-lanceolate to ovate or deltoid, 2-10 × 0.4-3.5 cm, base cuneate, rounded, truncate, or cordate, margin entire, subentire, sinuous-crenate, or serrate, apex obtuse, acute, or acuminate. Flowers solitary, terminal on main stems and branches; pedicels 2-12 cm, glabrous. Calyx tube adnate to ovary up to top, obconical, 3-7 × 4-10 mm, glabrous, 10-ribbed; lobes narrowly triangular-lanceolate, 4-11 × 1-5 mm, glabrous, margin entire, apex acuminate or acute; sinus between lobes narrow, pointed or slightly obtuse. Corolla pale blue or blue-purple, rotate, 5-fid to near base; lobes elliptic, 1-3.5 × 0.6-1.2 cm, apex acute. Filaments slightly dilated and ciliate at base, 1-3 mm; anthers 4-5 mm. Superior part of capsule broadly conical, valves ca. 4 mm; inferior part obconical, 10-16 × ca. 8 mm. Seeds numerous, brown-yellow, oblong, ca. 1.5 mm, wingless. Fl. and fr. Jul-Oct.
Forests, open woods, forest margins, thickets, grassy slopes, pastures, meadows; 1000-4600 m. W Guizhou, SW Sichuan, S and SE Xizang, Yunnan [Bhutan, N Myanmar, Nepal].
Two of us (Lammers and Klein) do not agree with the broad treatment of Codonopsis convolvulacea adopted here, i.e., with C. forrestii, C. grey-wilsonii, and C. vinciflora treated as subspecies of C. convolvulacea, with C. limprichtii, C. efilamentosa, and C. mairei included in the synonymy of C. convolvulacea subsp. forrestii, and with C. limprichtii var. pinifolia included in the synonymy of C. graminifolia. Instead, based on our analysis of herbarium material including types, we recognize seven morphologically discrete entities. The nature of the differences distinguishing them suggests each is reproductively isolated from the others and so we treat them as species: C. convolvulacea (including C. forrestii var. heterophylla), C. efilamentosa, C. forrestii (including C. forrestii var. hirsuta), C. grey-wilsonii, C. limprichtii (including C. graminifolia and C. limprichtii var. pinifolia), C. mairei (including C. retroserrata), and C. vinciflora. We also recognize an eighth species, C. macrophylla Lammers & L. L. Klein, known only in cultivation but believed to be from Xizang. See Lammers and Klein (Bot. Stud. (Taipei) 51: 553-561. 2010). However, one of us (Hong) notes that the taxonomy of this complex has been extremely controversial in the past, with several different classifications having been proposed. Based on critical examination of all available specimens in BM, E, K, KUN, and PE and recent field observations in S and SE Xizang and NW Yunnan, the C. convolvulacea complex is found to be extremely variable, particularly in the length of the petioles and in the shape, texture, and margin of the leaf blades. Some characters, e.g., shape of leaf blade, are merely a polymorphism within populations, and the characters distinguishing C. convolvulacea, C. forrestii, C. grey-wilsonii, and C. vinciflora are variable within geographic regions but are not distinct.Two of us (Lammers and Klein) do not agree with the broad treatment of Codonopsis convolvulacea adopted here, i.e., with C. forrestii, C. grey-wilsonii, and C. vinciflora treated as subspecies of C. convolvulacea, with C. limprichtii, C. efilamentosa, and C. mairei included in the synonymy of C. convolvulacea subsp. forrestii, and with C. limprichtii var. pinifolia included in the synonymy of C. graminifolia. Instead, based on our analysis of herbarium material including types, we recognize seven morphologically discrete entities. The nature of the differences distinguishing them suggests each is reproductively isolated from the others and so we treat them as species: C. convolvulacea (including C. forrestii var. heterophylla), C. efilamentosa, C. forrestii (including C. forrestii var. hirsuta), C. grey-wilsonii, C. limprichtii (including C. graminifolia and C. limprichtii var. pinifolia), C. mairei (including C. retroserrata), and C. vinciflora. We also recognize an eighth species, C. macrophylla Lammers & L. L. Klein, known only in cultivation but believed to be from Xizang. See Lammers and Klein (Bot. Stud. (Taipei) 51: 553-561. 2010). However, one of us (Hong) notes that the taxonomy of this complex has been extremely controversial in the past, with several different classifications having been proposed. Based on critical examination of all available specimens in BM, E, K, KUN, and PE and recent field observations in S and SE Xizang and NW Yunnan, the C. convolvulacea complex is found to be extremely variable, particularly in the length of the petioles and in the shape, texture, and margin of the leaf blades. Some characters, e.g., shape of leaf blade, are merely a polymorphism within populations, and the characters distinguishing C. convolvulacea, C. forrestii, C. grey-wilsonii, and C. vinciflora are variable within geographic regions but are not distinct.
【拼音名】 Jī Dàn Shēn
【别名】 山鸡蛋、金线吊葫芦、牛尾参、补血草
【来源】 桔梗科党参属植物鸡蛋参Codonopsis convolvulacea Kurz.,以根入药。秋季采挖,洗净晒干。
【性味】 甘、微苦,微温。
【功能主治】 补养气血,润肺生津。用于贫血,自汗,肺阴虚咳嗽,神经衰弱。
【用法用量】 0.5~1两水煎服或炖肉服。
【摘录】 《全国中草药汇编》
科名:桔梗科 Campanulaceae
属名:党参属 Codonopsis
39. 鸡蛋参(中国高等植物图鉴)
Codonopsis convolvulacea Kurz, Journ. Bot. 11: 195. 1873; Oliv., Hook. Icon. Pl. 24: t. 2385, 1895; Kom., Act. Hort. Petrop. 29: 102. 1908; Chipp, Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 38: 389, 1908, p. p.; Prain, Bot. Mag. 134: pl. 8176, 1908; Tsoong, Contr. Inst. Bot. Nat. Acad. Peiping 3 (3): 90. 1935.
这是一个极其多型的种,曾被分为好几个种,但是这些类型之间并无相当明确的界限。有的类型占据独立的地理分布区,如 var. vinciflora 占据整个种分布区的西北部。而 var. pinifolia 则占据独特的生态,它生长于金沙江的干旱河谷里。
种拉丁名:Codonopsis convolvulacea Kurz
海 拔:1000-3000
【药 名】:鸡蛋参
【来 源】:为桔梗科植物金线吊葫芦的根。
【功 效】:补肺益肾。
【主 治】:治肺虚咳嗽,体虚自汗,疝气,偏坠。
【别 名】:金线壶卢(《植物名实图考》)、补血草、牛尾参(《云南中草药》)
【拉丁名】:Codonopsis convolvulacea Kurz
【考 证】:出自《昆明药植调查报告》;《植物名实图考》:“金线壶卢,生江西建昌山中。硬根劲蔓,俱黑赫色。嫩枝细绿叶,柄长韧,叶本圆缺如马蹄,而末出长尖,中腰微凹,有似细腰壶户。”
《Flora of China》 Vol. 19 (2011)
Codonopsis convolvulacea Kurz J. Bot. 11: 195. 1873.
鸡蛋参 ji dan shen
Roots tuberous, ovoid-globose or ovoid, 2.5-5 × 1-1.5 cm. Stems twining, usually with a few branches, up to more than 1 m, glabrous. Leaves alternate or sometimes opposite, evenly distributed along stems; petiole absent or to 22 mm; blade linear-lanceolate to ovate or deltoid, 2-10 × 0.4-3.5 cm, base cuneate, rounded, truncate, or cordate, margin entire, subentire, sinuous-crenate, or serrate, apex obtuse, acute, or acuminate. Flowers solitary, terminal on main stems and branches; pedicels 2-12 cm, glabrous. Calyx tube adnate to ovary up to top, obconical, 3-7 × 4-10 mm, glabrous, 10-ribbed; lobes narrowly triangular-lanceolate, 4-11 × 1-5 mm, glabrous, margin entire, apex acuminate or acute; sinus between lobes narrow, pointed or slightly obtuse. Corolla pale blue or blue-purple, rotate, 5-fid to near base; lobes elliptic, 1-3.5 × 0.6-1.2 cm, apex acute. Filaments slightly dilated and ciliate at base, 1-3 mm; anthers 4-5 mm. Superior part of capsule broadly conical, valves ca. 4 mm; inferior part obconical, 10-16 × ca. 8 mm. Seeds numerous, brown-yellow, oblong, ca. 1.5 mm, wingless. Fl. and fr. Jul-Oct.
Forests, open woods, forest margins, thickets, grassy slopes, pastures, meadows; 1000-4600 m. W Guizhou, SW Sichuan, S and SE Xizang, Yunnan [Bhutan, N Myanmar, Nepal].
Two of us (Lammers and Klein) do not agree with the broad treatment of Codonopsis convolvulacea adopted here, i.e., with C. forrestii, C. grey-wilsonii, and C. vinciflora treated as subspecies of C. convolvulacea, with C. limprichtii, C. efilamentosa, and C. mairei included in the synonymy of C. convolvulacea subsp. forrestii, and with C. limprichtii var. pinifolia included in the synonymy of C. graminifolia. Instead, based on our analysis of herbarium material including types, we recognize seven morphologically discrete entities. The nature of the differences distinguishing them suggests each is reproductively isolated from the others and so we treat them as species: C. convolvulacea (including C. forrestii var. heterophylla), C. efilamentosa, C. forrestii (including C. forrestii var. hirsuta), C. grey-wilsonii, C. limprichtii (including C. graminifolia and C. limprichtii var. pinifolia), C. mairei (including C. retroserrata), and C. vinciflora. We also recognize an eighth species, C. macrophylla Lammers & L. L. Klein, known only in cultivation but believed to be from Xizang. See Lammers and Klein (Bot. Stud. (Taipei) 51: 553-561. 2010). However, one of us (Hong) notes that the taxonomy of this complex has been extremely controversial in the past, with several different classifications having been proposed. Based on critical examination of all available specimens in BM, E, K, KUN, and PE and recent field observations in S and SE Xizang and NW Yunnan, the C. convolvulacea complex is found to be extremely variable, particularly in the length of the petioles and in the shape, texture, and margin of the leaf blades. Some characters, e.g., shape of leaf blade, are merely a polymorphism within populations, and the characters distinguishing C. convolvulacea, C. forrestii, C. grey-wilsonii, and C. vinciflora are variable within geographic regions but are not distinct.Two of us (Lammers and Klein) do not agree with the broad treatment of Codonopsis convolvulacea adopted here, i.e., with C. forrestii, C. grey-wilsonii, and C. vinciflora treated as subspecies of C. convolvulacea, with C. limprichtii, C. efilamentosa, and C. mairei included in the synonymy of C. convolvulacea subsp. forrestii, and with C. limprichtii var. pinifolia included in the synonymy of C. graminifolia. Instead, based on our analysis of herbarium material including types, we recognize seven morphologically discrete entities. The nature of the differences distinguishing them suggests each is reproductively isolated from the others and so we treat them as species: C. convolvulacea (including C. forrestii var. heterophylla), C. efilamentosa, C. forrestii (including C. forrestii var. hirsuta), C. grey-wilsonii, C. limprichtii (including C. graminifolia and C. limprichtii var. pinifolia), C. mairei (including C. retroserrata), and C. vinciflora. We also recognize an eighth species, C. macrophylla Lammers & L. L. Klein, known only in cultivation but believed to be from Xizang. See Lammers and Klein (Bot. Stud. (Taipei) 51: 553-561. 2010). However, one of us (Hong) notes that the taxonomy of this complex has been extremely controversial in the past, with several different classifications having been proposed. Based on critical examination of all available specimens in BM, E, K, KUN, and PE and recent field observations in S and SE Xizang and NW Yunnan, the C. convolvulacea complex is found to be extremely variable, particularly in the length of the petioles and in the shape, texture, and margin of the leaf blades. Some characters, e.g., shape of leaf blade, are merely a polymorphism within populations, and the characters distinguishing C. convolvulacea, C. forrestii, C. grey-wilsonii, and C. vinciflora are variable within geographic regions but are not distinct.
【拼音名】 Jī Dàn Shēn
【别名】 山鸡蛋、金线吊葫芦、牛尾参、补血草
【来源】 桔梗科党参属植物鸡蛋参Codonopsis convolvulacea Kurz.,以根入药。秋季采挖,洗净晒干。
【性味】 甘、微苦,微温。
【功能主治】 补养气血,润肺生津。用于贫血,自汗,肺阴虚咳嗽,神经衰弱。
【用法用量】 0.5~1两水煎服或炖肉服。
【摘录】 《全国中草药汇编》