
萝卜Raphanus sativus Linn.

萝卜Raphanus sativus Linn.

别名:cultivated radish;喝啪北;菜菔;温菘;莱萝卜;萝帮;白萝卜;莱菔子;寿星头;白萝卜子;菜头;地灯笼;地骷髅;土酥;莱服子;[艹雹]葖;莱服;大萝卜;菔;萝卜子;萝葡;萝卜缨;水萝卜;地空;菜薯;大萝卜子;拉夫格;菜服;莱菔;蓝花子;萝卜种子;芦葩;罗卜;罗服;萝白;萝卜英;紫花菘;芒菔;

科名:十字花科 Brassicaceae

属名:萝卜属 Raphanus

  1a. 萝卜(原变种)图版7: 1-4
  1. 萝卜(通称) 莱菔(唐本草)
  Raphanus sativus L. Sp. Pl. 669. 1753; O. E. Schulz in Engl. Pflanzenr. 70 (4. 105): 205. 1919; T. Y. Cheo in Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 2 (3): 179. 1948; 中国药用植物志5: 图224. 1957; 中药志2: 415. 图249. 1959; 江苏南部种子植物手册319. 图506. 1959; 北京植物志上册: 328. 图274. 1962; 中国高等植物图鉴2: 35. 图1799. 1972; 秦岭植物志1 (2): 402. 1974; 内蒙古植物志2: 322. 图版168. 1978; 湖北植物志 2: 26. 图713. 1979; 东北草本植物志4: 57. 图版32. 1980.
  Raphanus sativus L. var. sativus

《Flora of China》 Vol. 8 (2001)
Raphanus sativus  Linnaeus
萝卜   luo bo
Raphanus acanthiformis J. M. Morel; R. chinensis Miller (1768), not (Linnaeus) Crantz (1769); R. macropodus H. Léveillé; R. niger Miller; R. raphanistroides (Makino) Nakai; R. raphanistrum Linnaeus var. sativus (Linnaeus) Domin; R. sativus var. macropodus (H. Léveillé) Makino; R. sativus f. raphanistroides Makino; R. sativus var. raphanistroides (Makino) Makino; R. taquetii H. Léveillé.
Herbs annual or biennial, 10-130 cm tall, glabrous, scabrous, or hispid. Roots fleshy, white, pink, red, or black, linear, fusiform, oblong, or globose, 1-100 × 0.5-45 cm, sometimes slender and not fleshy. Stems simple or branched. Basal leaves with petioles 1-30 cm; leaf blade oblong, obovate, oblanceolate, or spatulate in outline, 2-60 × 1-20 cm, lyrate or pinnatisect, sometimes undivided, margin dentate, apex obtuse or acute; lateral lobes 1-12 on each side of midvein, sometimes absent, oblong or ovate, to 10 × 5 cm. Uppermost cauline leaves subsessile, often undivided, dentate. Fruiting pedicels divaricate or ascending, straight, 0.5-4 cm. Sepals narrowly oblong, 5.5-10 × 1-2 mm, glabrous or sparsely pubescent. Petals purple, pink, or sometimes white, often with darker veins, broadly obovate, 1.2-2.2 cm × 3-8 mm, apex obtuse or emarginate; claw to 1.4 cm. Filaments slender, 5-12 mm; anthers 1.5-2 mm, sagittate at base. Fruit fusiform or lanceolate, sometimes ovoid or cylindric; seedless valvular segment 1-3.5 mm; seed-bearing distal segment (1-)3-15(-25) × (0.5-)0.7-1.3(-1.5) cm, corky, rounded at base, conical at apex, smooth or rarely slightly constricted between seeds, not ribbed; style 1-4 cm; stigma entire. Seeds globose or ovoid, 2.5-4 mm in diam. Fl. and fr. depending on cultivation time. 2n = 18*.
Fields, roadsides, waste areas. Throughout China [native to the Mediterranean region; cultivated worldwide].
Long cultivated in E Asia primarily as a vegetable and medicinal plant. A very variable species with regard to fleshy root color, shape, and size, plant height, degree of division and size of leaves, flower color, and fruit shape and size. Numerous infraspecific taxa have been recognized, and their taxonomy is controversial and highly confused. The interested reader should consult Pistrick (Kulturpflanze 35: 225-321. 1987). Perhaps the most interesting cultivar, which is grown primarily in China and Japan, is var. longipinnatus L. H. Bailey, with roots to 50 kg in weight and to 1 m in length and enormous rosettes to 2 m in diam.