铁角蕨Asplenium trichomanes L. Sp.
铁角蕨Asplenium trichomanes L. Sp.
9.铁角蕨 图版3: 1-6
Asplenium trichomanes L. Sp. Pl. 2: 1080. 1753 et ed. 2. 2: 1540. 1763, p. p.; Hudson, Fl. Angl. 385. 1762; Schkuhr. Krypt. Gew. 1: 69, t. 74. 1809;Willd. Sp. Pl. 5: 331. 1810; Rupr. Distr. Crypt. Vasc. Ross. 44. 1845; Henfler. Aspl. Spec. Europ. in Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. 6: 268. 1856; Mett. Fil. Lip. 72. 1856 et Farngat. Aspl. 138, n. 115. 1859; Hook. Sp. Fil. 3: 136. 1860 et Brit. Ferns t. 29. 1861; Bedd. Ferns South. Ind. t. 147. 1864 et Handb. Ferns Brit. Ind. 143. 1883; Hook. et Bak. Syn. Fil. 196. 1867; Milde in Nova Acta 26: 575. 1858 et Fil. Europ. 60. 1867; Benth. Fl. Austral. 7: 745. 1878; Christ, Farnkr. d. Erde 192. 1897; Diels in Engl. u. Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 1 (4): 235. 1899; C. Chr. Ind. Fil. 135. 1905; v. A. v. R. Handb. Mal. Ferns 452. 1908; Fominin Busch, Fl. Sibir. et Orient. Extr. 5: 144. 1930; Ching in Sunyatsenia 5: 236. 1940; Ogata, Ic. Fil. Jap. 8: pl. 354. 1940; DeVol, Ferns East. Centr. China in Notes Bot. Chin. Mus. Heude No. 7. 92. 1945; 傅书遐, 中国植物说(蕨类植物门) 99, f. 123. 1957; Ohwi, Fl. Jap. Pterid. 136. 1957; Tagawa, Col. Illustr. Jap. Pterid. 149, pl. 62, f. 331. 1959; Ching et al. in Fl. Tsinting. 2: 118, pl. 30, f. 5-8. 1974; DeVol et Kuo in Fl. Taiwan 1: 489. 1975; Nakaike, New Fl. Jap. Pterid. 625, f. 625, a-b. 1982; Ching et al. in C. Y. Wu, Fl. Xizang. 1: 180. 1983; H. S. Kung in Fl. Sichuan. 6: 351, pl. 110, f. 7-9. 1988.——Asplenium trichomanoides Houtt. in Pfl. Syst. 13 (1): 145. 1786.——Trichomanes crenatum Gilib. Exerc. Phytol. 2: 556. 1792.——Phyllitis rotundifolia Moench, Method. Pl. 724. 1794. ——Asplenium melanocaulon Willd. Enum. 1072. 1809.——Asplenium minus and pusillum Bl. Enum. Pl. Jav. 183. 1828.——Asplenium anceps v. Buch, Beschr. Canar. Ins. 189. 1825; Hook. et Grev. Ic. Fil. t. 195. 1830.——Asplenium densum Brack. in U. S. Explor. Exped. 16: 151, t. 20, f. 3. 1854. ——Asplenium melanolepis Col. in Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 20: 227. 1888, non Franch. et Sav. 1879.
植株高10-30厘米。根状茎短而直立,粗约2毫米,密被鳞片;鳞片线状披针形,长3-4毫米,基部宽约0.5毫米,厚膜质,黑色,有光泽,略带虹色,全缘。叶多数,密集簇生;叶柄长2-8厘米,粗约1毫米,栗褐色,有光泽,基部密被与根状茎上同样的鳞片,向上光滑,上面有1条阔纵沟,两边有棕色的膜质全缘狭翅,下面圆形,质脆,通常叶片脱落而柄宿存;叶片长线形,长10-25厘米,中部宽9-16毫米,长渐尖头,基部略变狭,一回羽状;羽片约20-30对,基部的对生,向上对生或互生,平展,近无柄,中部羽片同大,长3.5-6 (-9) 毫米,中部宽2-4 (-5) 毫米,椭圆形或卵形,圆头,有钝齿牙,基部为近对称或不对称的圆楔形,上侧较大,偶或有小耳状突起,全缘,两侧边缘有小圆齿;中部各对羽片相距4-8毫米,彼此疏离,下部羽片向下逐渐远离并缩小,形状多种,卵形、圆形、扇形、三角形或耳形。叶脉羽状,纤细,两面均不明显,小脉极斜向上,二叉,偶有单一,羽片基部上侧一脉常为二回二叉,不达叶边。叶纸质,干后草绿色、棕绿色或棕色;叶轴栗褐色,有光泽,光滑,上面有平阔纵沟,两侧有棕色的膜质全缘狭翅,下面圆形。孢子囊群阔线形,长1-3.5毫米,黄棕色,极斜向上,通常生于上侧小脉,每羽片有4-8枚,位于主脉与叶边之间,不达叶边;囊群盖阔线形,灰白色,后变棕色,膜质,全缘,开向主脉,宿存。染色体2n=144。
广布于山西、陕西、甘肃、新疆、江苏、安徽、浙江、江西、福建、台湾、河南、湖北、湖南、广东、广西、四川、贵州、云南及西藏。生林下山谷中的岩石上或石缝中,海拔400-3 400米。广泛分布于全世界温带地区和热带、亚热带的高山上。模式标本产地:欧洲。
《Flora of China》 Vol. 2-3 (2013)
Asplenium trichomanes Linnaeus Sp. Pl. 2: 1080. 1753.
铁角蕨 tie jiao jue
Asplenium densum Brackenridge, p.p.; A. melanocaulon Willdenow; A. melanolepis Colenso, p.p. (1888), not Franchet & Savatier (1879).
Plants 10-30 cm tall. Rhizome erect, short, scaly; scales narrowly triangular, 3(-4) × ca. 0.5 mm, with opaque, red to dark brown central stripe and paler narrow clathrate borders, entire. Fronds caespitose; stipe shiny castaneous-brown, 2-8 cm, base scaly, upward subglabrous, abaxially semiterete but adaxially grooved, with brown, membranous and subentire narrow wings, texture papery, stipe and rachis usually persisting after shedding of pinnae; lamina linear, 10-25 × 0.9-1.6 cm, base slightly reduced, 1-pinnate, apex acute and 2-4 mm wide; pinnae 20-30 pairs, usually obliquely inserted, sessile, middle pinnae elliptic or ovate to orbicular, 2.5-7.5 × 2-4 mm, base nearly symmetrical, cuneate, margin crenate, apex obtuse; lower pinnae gradually reduced. Veins pinnate, costa obscure, veins obliquely simple or up to 2-forked, basal acroscopic vein usually 2-forked. Fronds papery, green or brown when dry, average stomatal guard cell length 35-42 μm; rachis castaneous, shiny, subglabrous, abaxially terete, adaxially grooved and with a relatively low lateral brown membranous wing. Sori 4-8 per pinna, oval to linear, 1-3.5 mm, usually on acroscopic vein; indusium white or brown after drying, oval to linear, membranous, free margin repand to entire, opening toward costa, persistent. Spores with lophate perispore, average exospore length 27-31 μm. Plants sexual diploid: 2n = 72.
In crevices of non-calcareous (sandstone, granite) rocks, in open or half-shaded situations; 400-3400 m. Anhui, Fujian, Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Xinjiang, Xizang, Yunnan, Zhejiang [worldwide in all temperate zones, in tropics on high mountains].
Asplenium trichomanes is often circumscribed as a collective species consisting of various cytotypes (six taxa are known from C and S Europe). These taxa, for convenience often recognized at the subspecific level, are reproductively isolated (producing sterile hybrids when growing together) and are treated as species in this flora. The species can be distinguished by microcharacters, by flow cytometry, by counting chromosomes, and by their edaphic preference. When the complex is subdivided into species or subspecies, the diploid silicolous taxon has been designated (since Lovis, Brit. Fern Gaz. 9: 147-160. 1964) as A. trichomanes s.s. or as subsp. trichomanes; the common tetraploid as A. quadrivalens or as A. trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D. E. Meyer. A lectotype was selected in this sense by Viane (in Jonsell & Jarvis, Nordic J. Bot. 14: 145-164. 1994), but as a result of the Linnean typification project this selection was overruled by Grubov’s (Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 21: 5-21. 1984), who “selected” the tetraploid specimen in the Linnaean Herbarium at LINN as type without any argument or fundamental study. However, pending a proposal to conserve the name A. trichomanes with a conserved type, based on a diploid plant, we continue to use the name A. trichomanes s.s. in its traditional (“2x“) sense in compliance with Art. 57.1 of the Melbourne Code. However, if such a proposal is not accepted, the correct specific name for the current diploid species will not only have to change to A. melanocaulon Willdenow, but the name A. trichomanes will have to be given to the following tetraploid taxon, A. quadrivalens.Asplenium ×lusaticum D. E. Meyer (the sterile hybrid between A. trichomanes and A. quadrivalens) is not rare where both parents grow together. It can be easily recognized by its aborted spores. In China, this hybrid is cytologically confirmed for Sichuan (“Longchi”).
别名:鸡毛草;铁角凤尾草;乌骨草;铁线蕨、猪毛七;石蜈蚣;凤尾草;地蜈蚣;洞里仙;瓜子莲;小金鸡尾;金鸡两头连;石林珠;篦子草;三翅铁角蕨;石林株;蜈蚣赶蛇;猪棕七;一点血;岩间生;野鸡尾;猪宗七;止血草;蜈蚣草;鹿仙草;金星草;猪鬃七;铁线路鸡;maidenhair spleenwort;
科名:铁角蕨科 Aspleniaceae
属名:铁角蕨属 Asplenium
9.铁角蕨 图版3: 1-6
Asplenium trichomanes L. Sp. Pl. 2: 1080. 1753 et ed. 2. 2: 1540. 1763, p. p.; Hudson, Fl. Angl. 385. 1762; Schkuhr. Krypt. Gew. 1: 69, t. 74. 1809;Willd. Sp. Pl. 5: 331. 1810; Rupr. Distr. Crypt. Vasc. Ross. 44. 1845; Henfler. Aspl. Spec. Europ. in Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. 6: 268. 1856; Mett. Fil. Lip. 72. 1856 et Farngat. Aspl. 138, n. 115. 1859; Hook. Sp. Fil. 3: 136. 1860 et Brit. Ferns t. 29. 1861; Bedd. Ferns South. Ind. t. 147. 1864 et Handb. Ferns Brit. Ind. 143. 1883; Hook. et Bak. Syn. Fil. 196. 1867; Milde in Nova Acta 26: 575. 1858 et Fil. Europ. 60. 1867; Benth. Fl. Austral. 7: 745. 1878; Christ, Farnkr. d. Erde 192. 1897; Diels in Engl. u. Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 1 (4): 235. 1899; C. Chr. Ind. Fil. 135. 1905; v. A. v. R. Handb. Mal. Ferns 452. 1908; Fominin Busch, Fl. Sibir. et Orient. Extr. 5: 144. 1930; Ching in Sunyatsenia 5: 236. 1940; Ogata, Ic. Fil. Jap. 8: pl. 354. 1940; DeVol, Ferns East. Centr. China in Notes Bot. Chin. Mus. Heude No. 7. 92. 1945; 傅书遐, 中国植物说(蕨类植物门) 99, f. 123. 1957; Ohwi, Fl. Jap. Pterid. 136. 1957; Tagawa, Col. Illustr. Jap. Pterid. 149, pl. 62, f. 331. 1959; Ching et al. in Fl. Tsinting. 2: 118, pl. 30, f. 5-8. 1974; DeVol et Kuo in Fl. Taiwan 1: 489. 1975; Nakaike, New Fl. Jap. Pterid. 625, f. 625, a-b. 1982; Ching et al. in C. Y. Wu, Fl. Xizang. 1: 180. 1983; H. S. Kung in Fl. Sichuan. 6: 351, pl. 110, f. 7-9. 1988.——Asplenium trichomanoides Houtt. in Pfl. Syst. 13 (1): 145. 1786.——Trichomanes crenatum Gilib. Exerc. Phytol. 2: 556. 1792.——Phyllitis rotundifolia Moench, Method. Pl. 724. 1794. ——Asplenium melanocaulon Willd. Enum. 1072. 1809.——Asplenium minus and pusillum Bl. Enum. Pl. Jav. 183. 1828.——Asplenium anceps v. Buch, Beschr. Canar. Ins. 189. 1825; Hook. et Grev. Ic. Fil. t. 195. 1830.——Asplenium densum Brack. in U. S. Explor. Exped. 16: 151, t. 20, f. 3. 1854. ——Asplenium melanolepis Col. in Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 20: 227. 1888, non Franch. et Sav. 1879.
植株高10-30厘米。根状茎短而直立,粗约2毫米,密被鳞片;鳞片线状披针形,长3-4毫米,基部宽约0.5毫米,厚膜质,黑色,有光泽,略带虹色,全缘。叶多数,密集簇生;叶柄长2-8厘米,粗约1毫米,栗褐色,有光泽,基部密被与根状茎上同样的鳞片,向上光滑,上面有1条阔纵沟,两边有棕色的膜质全缘狭翅,下面圆形,质脆,通常叶片脱落而柄宿存;叶片长线形,长10-25厘米,中部宽9-16毫米,长渐尖头,基部略变狭,一回羽状;羽片约20-30对,基部的对生,向上对生或互生,平展,近无柄,中部羽片同大,长3.5-6 (-9) 毫米,中部宽2-4 (-5) 毫米,椭圆形或卵形,圆头,有钝齿牙,基部为近对称或不对称的圆楔形,上侧较大,偶或有小耳状突起,全缘,两侧边缘有小圆齿;中部各对羽片相距4-8毫米,彼此疏离,下部羽片向下逐渐远离并缩小,形状多种,卵形、圆形、扇形、三角形或耳形。叶脉羽状,纤细,两面均不明显,小脉极斜向上,二叉,偶有单一,羽片基部上侧一脉常为二回二叉,不达叶边。叶纸质,干后草绿色、棕绿色或棕色;叶轴栗褐色,有光泽,光滑,上面有平阔纵沟,两侧有棕色的膜质全缘狭翅,下面圆形。孢子囊群阔线形,长1-3.5毫米,黄棕色,极斜向上,通常生于上侧小脉,每羽片有4-8枚,位于主脉与叶边之间,不达叶边;囊群盖阔线形,灰白色,后变棕色,膜质,全缘,开向主脉,宿存。染色体2n=144。
广布于山西、陕西、甘肃、新疆、江苏、安徽、浙江、江西、福建、台湾、河南、湖北、湖南、广东、广西、四川、贵州、云南及西藏。生林下山谷中的岩石上或石缝中,海拔400-3 400米。广泛分布于全世界温带地区和热带、亚热带的高山上。模式标本产地:欧洲。
《Flora of China》 Vol. 2-3 (2013)
Asplenium trichomanes Linnaeus Sp. Pl. 2: 1080. 1753.
铁角蕨 tie jiao jue
Asplenium densum Brackenridge, p.p.; A. melanocaulon Willdenow; A. melanolepis Colenso, p.p. (1888), not Franchet & Savatier (1879).
Plants 10-30 cm tall. Rhizome erect, short, scaly; scales narrowly triangular, 3(-4) × ca. 0.5 mm, with opaque, red to dark brown central stripe and paler narrow clathrate borders, entire. Fronds caespitose; stipe shiny castaneous-brown, 2-8 cm, base scaly, upward subglabrous, abaxially semiterete but adaxially grooved, with brown, membranous and subentire narrow wings, texture papery, stipe and rachis usually persisting after shedding of pinnae; lamina linear, 10-25 × 0.9-1.6 cm, base slightly reduced, 1-pinnate, apex acute and 2-4 mm wide; pinnae 20-30 pairs, usually obliquely inserted, sessile, middle pinnae elliptic or ovate to orbicular, 2.5-7.5 × 2-4 mm, base nearly symmetrical, cuneate, margin crenate, apex obtuse; lower pinnae gradually reduced. Veins pinnate, costa obscure, veins obliquely simple or up to 2-forked, basal acroscopic vein usually 2-forked. Fronds papery, green or brown when dry, average stomatal guard cell length 35-42 μm; rachis castaneous, shiny, subglabrous, abaxially terete, adaxially grooved and with a relatively low lateral brown membranous wing. Sori 4-8 per pinna, oval to linear, 1-3.5 mm, usually on acroscopic vein; indusium white or brown after drying, oval to linear, membranous, free margin repand to entire, opening toward costa, persistent. Spores with lophate perispore, average exospore length 27-31 μm. Plants sexual diploid: 2n = 72.
In crevices of non-calcareous (sandstone, granite) rocks, in open or half-shaded situations; 400-3400 m. Anhui, Fujian, Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Xinjiang, Xizang, Yunnan, Zhejiang [worldwide in all temperate zones, in tropics on high mountains].
Asplenium trichomanes is often circumscribed as a collective species consisting of various cytotypes (six taxa are known from C and S Europe). These taxa, for convenience often recognized at the subspecific level, are reproductively isolated (producing sterile hybrids when growing together) and are treated as species in this flora. The species can be distinguished by microcharacters, by flow cytometry, by counting chromosomes, and by their edaphic preference. When the complex is subdivided into species or subspecies, the diploid silicolous taxon has been designated (since Lovis, Brit. Fern Gaz. 9: 147-160. 1964) as A. trichomanes s.s. or as subsp. trichomanes; the common tetraploid as A. quadrivalens or as A. trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D. E. Meyer. A lectotype was selected in this sense by Viane (in Jonsell & Jarvis, Nordic J. Bot. 14: 145-164. 1994), but as a result of the Linnean typification project this selection was overruled by Grubov’s (Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 21: 5-21. 1984), who “selected” the tetraploid specimen in the Linnaean Herbarium at LINN as type without any argument or fundamental study. However, pending a proposal to conserve the name A. trichomanes with a conserved type, based on a diploid plant, we continue to use the name A. trichomanes s.s. in its traditional (“2x“) sense in compliance with Art. 57.1 of the Melbourne Code. However, if such a proposal is not accepted, the correct specific name for the current diploid species will not only have to change to A. melanocaulon Willdenow, but the name A. trichomanes will have to be given to the following tetraploid taxon, A. quadrivalens.Asplenium ×lusaticum D. E. Meyer (the sterile hybrid between A. trichomanes and A. quadrivalens) is not rare where both parents grow together. It can be easily recognized by its aborted spores. In China, this hybrid is cytologically confirmed for Sichuan (“Longchi”).
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- 中国铁角蕨科资料(二)
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- 过山蕨化学成分及药理活性研究进展
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- 鸟巢蕨
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- 对开蕨孢子育苗
- 鸟巢蕨常规管理及病虫害解决方案
- 两种铁角蕨的孢子体形态研究及水分生理测定