
车前蕨Antrophyum henryi Hieron.

车前蕨Antrophyum henryi Hieron.


科名:车前蕨科 Antrophyaceae

属名:车前蕨属 Antrophyum

  5. 车前蕨(中国蕨类植物图谱)图版2:7-9
  Antrophyum henryi Hieron. in Hedwigia 57: 208. 1916; C. Chr., Ind. Fil. Suppl. 2: 4. 1917 et in Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 26 (6): 313. 1931; Dixit et Nair in Journ. India Bot. Soc. 53: 281, f. 1-6. 1974. ——Antrophyum reticulatum auct. non (G. Forst.) Kaulf. f. 1824: Wu et Wong et Pong in Bull. Dept. Biol. Coll. Sci. Sun Yatsen Univ. 3: 254, t. 118. 1932. ——Antrophyum formosanum auct. non Hieron. 1916: Ching, Ic. Fil. Sin. 3: t. 145. 1935, pro parte, excl. pl. Taiwan.; 傅书遐, 中国主要植物图说 蕨类植物门255, 图343. 1957, pro parte; Ic. Corm. Sin. 1: 283, f. 565. 1983, pro parte excl. Pl. Taiwan. ——Antrophyum taiwanianum (epith. illeg. mut.) auct.: Ic. Corm. Sin. 1: 283, f. 565. 1972, pro parte, excl. Pl. Taiwan. ——Antrophyum stenophyllum auct. non Bak. 1898, nec Rovirosa (1909): Tagawa et K. Iwats. in Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 25: 21. 1971 et Fl. Thail. 3 (2): 218. 1985. ——Antrophyum sp. Holtt. in Dansk. Bot. Ark. 20: 34. 1961.

《Flora of China》 Vol. 2-3 (2013)
Antrophyum henryi  Hieronymus Hedwigia. 57: 208. 1916.
车前蕨   che qian jue
Rhizome slender, shortly creeping or erect; scales pale brown, linear-lanceolate, 1.5-3.5 × 0.1-0.3 mm, margin obviously denticulate, clathrate. Fronds clustered; stipe indistinct; lamina subleathery, linear-lanceolate, 5-15 × 0.8-1.5 cm, widest at middle or above, apex narrowly acute, base long attenuate; costa indistinct; veins abundantly reticulate, raised abaxially, invisible adaxially. Soral lines 3-5, zigzag, subparallel, continuous or interrupted, or forming nets, lower 1/3 not fertile; paraphyses taeniform. Spores trilete, tetrahedral-globose, surface papillate.
On wet moss-covered rocks or epiphytic on tree trunks in valleys; 300-1600 m. Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, ?Taiwan, Yunnan [India (Assam, Sikkim), N Thailand].
Reviewer Ralf Knapp notes that studies are being conducted by Taiwan Forestry Research Institute to determine whether material from Taiwan corresponds genetically with Antrophyum henryi or if it is closer to A. formosanum.