
清香木Pistacia weinmannifolia J. Poisson ex Franch.

清香木Pistacia weinmannifolia J. Poisson ex Franch.


科名:漆树科 Anacardiaceae

属名:黄连木属 Pistacia

  Pistacia weinmannifolia J. Poisson ex Franch. in Bull. Soc. Bot. Franc. 33: 467. 1886; Franch. Pl. Delav. 149, t. 36. 1889; Rehd. et Wils. in Sarg. Pl. Wils. 2: 174. 1914; Hand.-Mazz. Symb. Sin. 7: 635. 1933; 陈嵘, 中国树木分类学651. 1937;中国高等植物图鉴2: 639,图3007. 1972; 云南植物志2: 385, 图版117, 3-6. 1979. ——P. coccinea Collett et Hemsl. in Journ. Linn. Soc. 28: 36. 1890.
  叶可提芳香油,民间常用叶碾粉制“香”。叶及树皮供药用,有消炎解毒、收敛止泻之效。本种与地中海区至亚洲西部分布的耨笃香P. terebinthus L. 和马思答吉(《本草纲目》)P. lentiscus L.都较近,其树脂可代用,有固齿祛口臭之效。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 11 (2008)
Pistacia weinmanniifolia  J. Poisson ex Franchet
清香木   qing xiang mu
Pistacia coccinea Collett & Hemsley.
Evergreen shrubs to small trees, 2-8 m tall. Petiole minutely pubescent; leaf blade paripinnately compound with 8-18 opposite leaflets; leaf rachis narrowly winged, grooved, gray, and minutely pubescent above; leaflet petiolule short; leaflet blade oblong or obovate-oblong, 1.3-3.5 × 0.8-1.5 cm or rarely larger, leathery, minutely pubescent on both sides along midrib, base oblique, broadly cuneate, margin entire and slightly revolute, apex rounded or usually mucronate, lateral veins impressed adaxially and prominent abaxially. Inflorescence axillary among leaves, mixed yellowish brown and red glandular pubescent; floral subtending bract ca. 1.5 mm, brown pubescent. Flowers sessile, purplish red. Male flowers with 2 or 3 oblong bracteoles, and 3-5 oblong-lanceolate membranous tepals, ca. 2 mm; stamens 5(-7), filaments short, anthers oblong with apiculate connective; pistillode reduced. Female flowers with 2-5 ovate-lanceolate bracteoles and 5 ovate-lanceolate membranous tepals, ca. 1.5 mm; ovary globose, ca. 0.7 mm in diam., glabrous, stig mas recurved. Drupe subglobose, 5-6 mm in diam. Fl. Mar- May, fr. Jun-Aug.
Hill and mountain forests on limestone, thickets; 500-2700 m. SW Guangxi, SW Guizhou, SW Sichuan, SE Xizang, Yunnan [N Myanmar].
Aromatic compounds extracted from the leaves are used for the manufacture of incense and candles. The resin is used for medicinal purposes.