羊角天麻Dobinea delavayi (Baill.) Baill.
羊角天麻Dobinea delavayi (Baill.) Baill.
Dobinea delavayi (Baill.) Baill. in Bull. Soc. Linn. Paris 2: 834. 1890; Engl. in Engl. u. Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 3 (5): 177. 1896; Hand.-Mazz. Symb. Sin. 7: 637. 1933; Forman in Kew Bull. 555. 1953; 云南植物志2: 349,图版109, 1-7. 1979. ——Podoon delavayi Baill. in Bull. Soc. Linn. Paris 1: 681. 1887, et 1. c. 2: 815. 1889; Franch. Pl. Delav. 146, Pl. 32-35. 1889.
多年生亚灌木状草本;根状茎粗大,圆柱形,紫褐色,茎带紫色,具条纹,上部疏被微柔毛,下部无毛。叶膜质至薄纸质,心形或卵状心形,长6-11厘米,宽3-9厘米,上部的叶较小,卵形或卵状披针形,先端渐尖或急尖,边缘具不整齐锯齿,叶面疏被微柔毛或近无毛,叶背被微硬毛,脉上较密,侧脉5-7对,在叶背突起,细脉在叶背略显;叶柄长1.5-6厘米,上部的叶无柄或近无柄。花小,雄花序聚伞总状或聚伞圆锥状,顶生或生于上部叶腋,长8-15厘米,被柔毛;苞片长约2毫米,被柔毛;花梗纤细,长1-1.5毫米,被柔毛,花萼无毛,裂片钝三角形;花瓣匙形,长约1.8毫米,基部具爪,无毛;雄蕊8(-10),4 (5)个较长与花萼裂片对生,花丝线形,长约2毫米,花药卵圆形,长约0.4毫米,4个短的与花瓣对生,内藏或略伸出,花丝长1-1.5毫米;花盘紫红色;不育子房圆锥形,长约1毫米,被柔毛;雌花序总状,顶生或生于上部叶腋,长7-14厘米,被柔毛,果时下倾;花梗与苞片中脉下半部合生,被柔毛,长约0.3毫米,苞片膜质,椭圆形,长约1.5毫米,宽约1毫米,被柔毛,边缘具睫毛;无花萼、花瓣及雄蕊;花盘无毛;子房近圆球形,径约0.5毫米,无毛或疏被柔毛。果径3-4毫米,被微柔毛,具脉纹,着生在苞片中下部,苞片果时扩展,阔椭圆形或近圆形,径2-2.5厘米,先端圆形,全缘或具齿,具网状脉,疏被柔毛或近无毛,边缘具细睫毛,花柱宿存。
《Flora of China》 Vol. 11 (2008)
Dobinea delavayi (Baillon) Baillon
羊角天麻 yang jiao tian ma
Podoon delavayi Baillon, Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Paris 1: 681. 1887.
Perennial herbs, 1-1.5 m tall; rhizome robust, elongate, terete, purplish brown; stem purple, striate, minutely pubescent distally. Leaves alternate; petiole decreasing in length from 1.5-6 cm basally to sessile toward shoot apices; leaf blade ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 6-11 × 3-9 cm, membranous, minutely pubescent adaxially, hirsute abaxially, base cordate, margin irregularly serrate, apex acuminate or acute, lateral veins 5-7 pairs, prominent abaxially. Male inflorescence thyrsoid, terminal or axillary, 8-15 cm, pubescent; floral subtending bract ca. 2 mm, pubescent; pedicel slender, 1-1.5 mm, pubescent; calyx campanulate, ca. 1.5 mm, 4(or 5)-dentate, glabrous to minutely pubescent; petals 4(or 5), greenish white, spatulate to clawed, ca. 1.8 mm; stamens 8(-10), ones opposite calyx lobes longer, filaments filiform, 1-2 mm, anthers ovate, ca. 0.4 mm; disk annular, purplish red; pistillode conical, ca. 1 mm, pubescent. Female inflorescence racemose, 7-14 cm, terminal or axillary, pubescent; floral subtending bract membranous, elliptic, ca. 1.5 × 1 mm, pubescent, margins ciliate, adnate to pedicel; calyx, petals, and staminodes lacking; disk annular; ovary subglobose, ca. 0.5 mm in diam., minutely pubescent. Fruit achenelike, 3-4 mm in diam., minutely pubescent; accrescent floral subtending bract elliptic to suborbicular, 2-2.5 cm in diam., entire or serrate, retic-ulately veined, sparsely pubescent to glabrescent, with ciliate margin.
● Hill thickets and grasslands; 1100-2300 m. SW Sichuan, C and NW Yunnan.
The rhizome is used in traditional Chinese medicine.
科名:漆树科 Anacardiaceae
属名:九子母属 Dobinea
Dobinea delavayi (Baill.) Baill. in Bull. Soc. Linn. Paris 2: 834. 1890; Engl. in Engl. u. Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 3 (5): 177. 1896; Hand.-Mazz. Symb. Sin. 7: 637. 1933; Forman in Kew Bull. 555. 1953; 云南植物志2: 349,图版109, 1-7. 1979. ——Podoon delavayi Baill. in Bull. Soc. Linn. Paris 1: 681. 1887, et 1. c. 2: 815. 1889; Franch. Pl. Delav. 146, Pl. 32-35. 1889.
多年生亚灌木状草本;根状茎粗大,圆柱形,紫褐色,茎带紫色,具条纹,上部疏被微柔毛,下部无毛。叶膜质至薄纸质,心形或卵状心形,长6-11厘米,宽3-9厘米,上部的叶较小,卵形或卵状披针形,先端渐尖或急尖,边缘具不整齐锯齿,叶面疏被微柔毛或近无毛,叶背被微硬毛,脉上较密,侧脉5-7对,在叶背突起,细脉在叶背略显;叶柄长1.5-6厘米,上部的叶无柄或近无柄。花小,雄花序聚伞总状或聚伞圆锥状,顶生或生于上部叶腋,长8-15厘米,被柔毛;苞片长约2毫米,被柔毛;花梗纤细,长1-1.5毫米,被柔毛,花萼无毛,裂片钝三角形;花瓣匙形,长约1.8毫米,基部具爪,无毛;雄蕊8(-10),4 (5)个较长与花萼裂片对生,花丝线形,长约2毫米,花药卵圆形,长约0.4毫米,4个短的与花瓣对生,内藏或略伸出,花丝长1-1.5毫米;花盘紫红色;不育子房圆锥形,长约1毫米,被柔毛;雌花序总状,顶生或生于上部叶腋,长7-14厘米,被柔毛,果时下倾;花梗与苞片中脉下半部合生,被柔毛,长约0.3毫米,苞片膜质,椭圆形,长约1.5毫米,宽约1毫米,被柔毛,边缘具睫毛;无花萼、花瓣及雄蕊;花盘无毛;子房近圆球形,径约0.5毫米,无毛或疏被柔毛。果径3-4毫米,被微柔毛,具脉纹,着生在苞片中下部,苞片果时扩展,阔椭圆形或近圆形,径2-2.5厘米,先端圆形,全缘或具齿,具网状脉,疏被柔毛或近无毛,边缘具细睫毛,花柱宿存。
《Flora of China》 Vol. 11 (2008)
Dobinea delavayi (Baillon) Baillon
羊角天麻 yang jiao tian ma
Podoon delavayi Baillon, Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Paris 1: 681. 1887.
Perennial herbs, 1-1.5 m tall; rhizome robust, elongate, terete, purplish brown; stem purple, striate, minutely pubescent distally. Leaves alternate; petiole decreasing in length from 1.5-6 cm basally to sessile toward shoot apices; leaf blade ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 6-11 × 3-9 cm, membranous, minutely pubescent adaxially, hirsute abaxially, base cordate, margin irregularly serrate, apex acuminate or acute, lateral veins 5-7 pairs, prominent abaxially. Male inflorescence thyrsoid, terminal or axillary, 8-15 cm, pubescent; floral subtending bract ca. 2 mm, pubescent; pedicel slender, 1-1.5 mm, pubescent; calyx campanulate, ca. 1.5 mm, 4(or 5)-dentate, glabrous to minutely pubescent; petals 4(or 5), greenish white, spatulate to clawed, ca. 1.8 mm; stamens 8(-10), ones opposite calyx lobes longer, filaments filiform, 1-2 mm, anthers ovate, ca. 0.4 mm; disk annular, purplish red; pistillode conical, ca. 1 mm, pubescent. Female inflorescence racemose, 7-14 cm, terminal or axillary, pubescent; floral subtending bract membranous, elliptic, ca. 1.5 × 1 mm, pubescent, margins ciliate, adnate to pedicel; calyx, petals, and staminodes lacking; disk annular; ovary subglobose, ca. 0.5 mm in diam., minutely pubescent. Fruit achenelike, 3-4 mm in diam., minutely pubescent; accrescent floral subtending bract elliptic to suborbicular, 2-2.5 cm in diam., entire or serrate, retic-ulately veined, sparsely pubescent to glabrescent, with ciliate margin.
● Hill thickets and grasslands; 1100-2300 m. SW Sichuan, C and NW Yunnan.
The rhizome is used in traditional Chinese medicine.