密歇根州立大学Brad Day实验室招聘多名博士后和博士生
密歇根州立大学Brad Day实验室诚聘多名博士后以及博士生。本实验室目前有NIH和NSF经费,主要研究方向为plant stomatal actin signaling and the nucleocytoplasmic control of actin filament dynamics during immune activation,详见附件。本实验室研究环境,实验室氛围,及员工待遇均良好。应聘者应有较好的分子/生化基础,或有生信(RNA-seq, ChIP-seq)基础,具有研究细胞骨架、转录因子、植物免疫经验的应聘者会给予格外考虑。详细应聘方式见附件,欢迎广大科研人员一同共铸未来。博后应聘者请直接发送邮件至Dr. Brad Day; 有意向的读博的同学请先联系李派,邮箱: lipai@msu.edu
The laboratory of Brad Day at Michigan State University is seeking to fill multiple postdoctoral positions and/or graduate students to work on recently funded National Institutes of Health (NIH) and National Science Foundation (NSF). In brief, the recently funded projects will focus in the areas of stomatal actin signaling (NSF) and the nucleocytoplasmic control of actin filament dynamics during immune activation (NIH). The research projects will:
NIH: Research couples cell biology, pathology, and whole-transcriptome analyses to characterize the function of actin-associated regulons during pathogen infection. The goal of this work is to define and characterize the gene networks that are 1) regulated by changes in ADF (Actin depolymerizing factor)/actin organization and localization; 2) regulated by immune kinases, including pathogen targeting of these kinases; and 3) required for immunity and cell death in response to pathogen targeting of the host actin cytoskeleton.
NSF: Investigate how the actin cytoskeleton functions to transition from homeostatic surveillance to roles that regulate immune signaling. Our recent work demonstrates that Pseudomonas targets the host actin cytoskeleton through multiple, independent mechanisms (e.g., Porter et al., 2012; Henty-Ridilla et al., 2013, Shimono et al., 2016a,b). This project will define the interactions between actin, stomatal immunity, abiotic stress, and hormone signaling;
Applicants from recent PhD graduates with expertise/experience in, for example, confocal microscopy, molecular biology, biochemistry (protein expression and analysis), and/or bioinformatics (RNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq) are sought. These qualifications are not required, but would be advantageous. Experiences in cytoskeleton, transcription factor, and/or plant immunity studies are highly recommended. To apply, please send a cover letter, CV, and statement of research experience and future interests to Brad Day, bday@msu.edu . Please also include the names of 3 individuals that can be contacted for letters of recommendation.
Potential PhD students with (or to be graduated) Bachelor or Master Degree are also welcomed. Please send a cover letter, CV, and statement of research experience to Brad Day, bday@msu.edu . Any recommendation letter in current stage is not required while encouraged.
About the Lab: The Day lab is housed on the 4th floor of the molecular plant science research facility on the Michigan State University (MSU) Campus. We share approximately 15,000 square feet of research and office space with the laboratories of Drs. Sheng Yang He and Gregg Howe, with ample bench space for 40 researchers, specialized research instrumentation, office and meeting spaces, computer and reading rooms, etc.
About MSU: MSU is a public University located in East Lansing, MI. With more than 55,000 students, MSU is a vibrant place to live and work. As a research-intensive (R1) institution, MSU offers state-of-the-art research facilities and resources. With more than 150 faculty working in the area of plant sciences, MSU is a dynamic and engaging environment for research and scholarly advancement. MSU offers professional training and development opportunities for post-doctoral scholars through teaching opportunities, workshops, financial support for conference attendance, etc.
http://genomics.msu.edu | http://www.cam.msu.edu/
https://rtsf.natsci.msu.edu/proteomics/ | https://rtsf.natsci.msu.edu/mass-spectrometry/
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