Cymbalaria aequitrilobaKenilworth ivy

Name:Cymbalaria aequitriloba
common name:Kenilworth ivy
introduce:Plant Type: Herbaceous perennial
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Missouri Native: No
Native Range: Southern Europe
Height: to 0.25 feet
Spread: 0.5 to 1.5 feet
Bloom Time: June - July  
Bloom Color: Lilac blue with yellow throat
Sun: Part shade to full shade
Water: Medium moisture
Maintenance: Medium

General Culture:

Best grown in average, medium wet, well-drained soil in part shade to full shade. Indigenous to southern Europe and is most comfortable in Mediterranean-type climates (cool summers and moderate winters)... a preference which hardly fits the profile of typical St. Louis weather where it can struggle. Generally intolerant of high heat and humidity. May not be reliably winter hardy throughout USDA Zone 6 (including St. Louis) where it should be grown in a protected location. Foliage is evergreen in warm winter climates, but is semi-evergreen in the St. Louis area where it will brown up and show considerable decline in harsh winters. Foliage is intolerant of foot traffic. Fast grower but is easy to control and is not considered invasive. Plants in 3" pots may be spaced 15" apart. May freely self-seed in optimum growing conditions.

Noteworthy Characteristics:

Kenilworth ivy is an extremely low-growing ground cover which forms a dense mat of tiny, mostly 3-lobed, medium green leaves typically growing 1-2" tall on trailing stems. Tiny snapdragon-like lilac blue (sometimes with a pink tinge) flowers with yellow throats appear in summer. Flowers are quite attractive on close inspection, but perhaps too small to be considered showy. Synonymous with Linaria aequitriloba.


No serious insect or disease problems. Winter hardiness in the St. Louis area is a concern. Damping off can be a problem with seedlings. Snails, slugs and mites are occasional visitors.


Ground cover for small areas or slopes. Fills in fissures on stone walls or will sprawl over rocks in the rock garden.