Cyclamen persicumFlorist cyclamen
common name:Florist cyclamen
introduce:Plant Type: Bulb
Family: Primulaceae
Missouri Native: No
Native Range: Eastern Mediterranean
Height: 0.5 to 0.75 feet
Spread: 0.5 to 0.75 feet
Bloom Time: November - March
Bloom Color: Pink, red, violet, lavender and white
Sun: Part shade (only)
Water: Medium moisture
General Culture:
Best grown in pots in light, organically rich, well-drained soils in part shade to full shade. Plants are only winter hardy to USDA Zones 9-11, and must be grown in containers or pots in the St. Louis area. Blooms in winter (December to April). Best with intense indirect indoor light in cool (65 degrees) locations. Plants go dormant in summer (lose most if not all leaves) and should be infrequently watered during this period. As cool fall temperatures arrive, plants begin to grow again and regular watering and fertilization should be resumed. May be grown from seed planted in late summer for first bloom the following winter (about 18 months later).
Noteworthy Characteristics:
C. persicum is native to the eastern Mediterranean. Species flowers are rose-pink to lavender-white or white. Florists cyclamen are frost-tender hybrids derived from C. persicum. They feature clumps of long-stalked basal dark green leaves often variegated with silver blotching or veining. Solitary flowers with twisted and reflexed petals bloom from winter to spring atop leafless stems rising 6-9" tall. These hybrids offer a much greater range of flower colors than the species, including violet, lavender, purple, pink, rose, red and white, often with red centers. In contrast to florists cyclamen, the other type of cyclamen, species cyclamen, consists of a number of different species plants that typically are smaller (2-5" tall) and usually have much better winter hardiness (USDA Zones 5 to 8). C. hederifolium, for example, may be grown in the ground year-round in St. Louis with a protected location and winter mulch.
Indoor pots, containers.