Cucurbita pepoSummer squash

Name:Cucurbita pepo
common name:Summer squash
introduce:Plant Type: Annual
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Missouri Native: No
Native Range: Probably originally Central America, now worldwide
Height: 1 to 2.5 feet
Spread: 2 to 3 feet
Bloom Time: -   
Bloom Color: Yellow
Sun: Full sun (only)
Water: Medium moisture
Maintenance: Medium

General Culture:

Summer squash seeds can be planted directly into the ground about a week after the last recorded frost date, when the soil temperature is 60 degrees F or above. If row planting for bush type, place 3 seeds together 2 to 3 apart in rows 3 to 6 apart. Thin to 1 or 2 plants per hole. Vining types need to be spaced 3 to 4 apart in rows 8 apart. Vining types can also be grown on strong supports. Seedlings are cold-sensitive. Give seedlings lots of water, but not on the leaves. Remove weeds near roots gently, and mulch with straw or hay. In about 6 weeks, flowers will appear, male flowers first, then female flowers (distinguished by enlargement at the flower base). The female flowers will later develop into the squash. Fertilize well as plants can be heavy producers. Fruits resting on straw, mulch or boards resist rot. Harvest fruits small; larger mature fruits get woody. Plants will continue to produce until the first frost if each and every fruit is picked prior to maturity.

Noteworthy Characteristics:

Squashes can be divided into two general categories: summer squash (Cucurbita pepo) and winter squash (a much broader category that encompasses 4 or more species including many C. pepo varieties). Summer squashes mature rapidly and can be harvested in as little as 50 days, while winter squashes can take over 120 days to fully ripen. Summer squashes include scalloped white squashes, yellow crookneck and straightnecked; and round or cylindrical green or gray zucchini or Italian squashes. Summer squashes come in bush and vine forms, but all varieties need plenty of room.


Cucumbers beetles carrying bacterial wilt, squash vine borers, and squash bugs are the most common pests. Squash borers (caterpillars) tunnel into stems, causing that portion of the vine to wilt. Look for entry holes with droppings outside, make a vertical slit in the problem stem, and remove the caterpillar. Squash bugs can be removed by hand or by placing boards near the plants at night. Squash bugs will hide under the boards and can be destroyed the next morning. Several fungal and viral diseases affect squash.


Summer squashes can be eaten raw in salads or stir-fried, batter fried, steamed, or cooked in a variety of ways to include zucchini breads. Summer squash blossoms are excellent in soups and stews, saut閑d, stuffed, or dipped in batter and fried.