Crataegus viridisGreen hawthorn

Name:Crataegus viridis
common name:Green hawthorn
introduce:Plant Type: Tree
Family: Rosaceae
Missouri Native: No
Native Range: Southeastern United States
Height: 20 to 35 feet
Spread: 20 to 35 feet
Bloom Time: May  
Bloom Color: White
Sun: Full sun (only)
Water: Dry to medium moisture
Maintenance: Low

General Culture:

Easily grown in average, dry to medium, well-drained soils in full sun. Tolerates light shade and drought. Moist, rich, fertile soils may encourage unwanted succulent growth.

Noteworthy Characteristics:

Green hawthorn is native to the southeastern U. S. from Virginia to Florida west to Texas and up the Mississippi River valley to Illinois. In Missouri, it primarily occurs in low wet grounds and along streams in the southeastern and southwestern parts of the state. It is a dense, rounded, largely spineless tree that typically grows 20-35?tall with a broad spreading crown. Gray stems are clad with serrate, ovate to elliptic, glossy dark green leaves (to 3 1/2?long) that are shallowly lobed in the upper half. When present, thorns grow to 1 1/2?long. Leaves turn purple to red in fall. Fragrant, 5-petaled, white flowers in 2-inch clusters (corymbs) bloom in May. Flowers are followed by small red fruits (pomes) that ripen in September and usually persist on the tree well into winter. Fruits are technically edible, but are usually best left for the birds. The fruit is sometimes called a haw. The fruit may be harvested to make jelly. Bark on mature trunks exfoliates to reveal orange inner bark. Crataegus viridis 慦inter King?(see C410) is a popular, more disease-resistant cultivar that is noted, inter alia, for its profuse bloom of flowers, larger fruits, silvery-barked stems and more attractive fall color (purple and scarlet).


One of the most disease-resistant hawthorns. As with most hawthorns, there is some susceptibility to cedar hawthorn rust (rust stage where eastern red cedars are present in the area) and fireblight. Fungal leaf spots, powdery mildew, cankers and apple scab are occasional problems. Insect pests include borers, caterpillars, lacebugs, leafminers and scale.


Small flowering landscape tree for lawns or streets or open woodland areas. Specimen, small groups or screen.