Crataegus phaenopyrumWashington hawthorn

Name:Crataegus phaenopyrum
common name:Washington hawthorn
introduce:Plant Type: Tree
Family: Rosaceae
Missouri Native: Yes
Native Range: Southeastern United States
Height: 25 to 30 feet
Spread: 25 to 30 feet
Bloom Time: June  
Bloom Color: White
Sun: Full sun (only)
Water: Medium moisture
Maintenance: Medium

General Culture:

Best grown in moist but well-drained soils in full sun. Tolerates light shade.

Noteworthy Characteristics:

Washington hawthorn is native to Missouri where it is primarily found in open ground, thickets and wood margins in the Ozark region of the state (Steyermark). It is noted for its attractive flowers and foliage, bright red fruits and fall color. It is a small, low-branching, deciduous tree that typically grows 25-30?tall with a rounded crown. Thorny stems are clad with shallowly lobed, serrate, glossy dark green leaves (to 2 1/2?long). Leaves turn attractive shades of orange and red in fall. Fragrant, 5-petaled, white flowers in clusters (corymbs) bloom in late spring. Flowers are followed in fall by bright red 1/4?diameter globose fruits (pomes) that persist throughout the winter. The fruit is sometimes called a haw. The word haw also means hedge, the hawthorn thus being a thorny hedge. Washington hawthorn is native from Virginia to Missouri, Arkansas and Alabama. Phaenopyrum comes from Greek meaning resembling a pear, in probable reference to the flowers. Washington hawthorn reportedly was first grown commercially near Washington, D.C. in the late 1700s, hence the common name.


Washington hawthorn shows good resistance to cedar-apple rust. Fire blight, fungal leaf spots, powdery mildew, cankers and apple scab are occasional problems. Insect pests include borers, caterpillars, lacebugs, leafminers and scale.


Small flowering landscape tree for lawns or streets. Specimen, small groups or screen. May be pruned as a hedge.