Corylus colurnaTurkish hazel

Name:Corylus colurna
common name:Turkish hazel
introduce:Plant Type: Tree
Family: Betulaceae
Missouri Native: No
Native Range: Southeastern Europe to western Asia
Height: 40 to 80 feet
Spread: 30 to 50 feet
Bloom Time: March  
Bloom Color: Yellow (male)
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Water: Medium moisture
Maintenance: Low

General Culture:

Grow in acidic, organically rich, medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. Best in full sun. Tolerates average soils, but not unamended heavy clays. Newly planted trees need consistent moisture. Once established in the landscape, trees tolerate drought. Suckering may occur. Generally tolerant of urban conditions.

Noteworthy Characteristics:

Native from southeastern Europe to western Asia, Turkish hazel or Turkish filbert is a pyramidal deciduous tree that grows to 40-50?(less frequently to 80? tall. The trunk is short with dense, horizontal, low branching. Double-toothed, broad ovate to obovate, semi-glossy, bright green leaves (to 5?long) have hair on the veins beneath. Leaves turn variable but usually unexceptional shades of yellow in fall. Corky, mottled, tan to gray bark on mature trunks may flake to reveal an orange-brown inner bark. Monoecious flowers appear in catkins in spring. The male catkins (to 3?long) are not individually showy, but cumulatively can provide much interest in a March landscape. Tiny female catkins are largely hidden. Edible nuts appear in clusters of 3-6 with spiny and hairy involucre husks covering and extending beyond each nut. Nuts may be roasted and eaten, but are commonly left for the squirrels. This tree may be difficult to find in commerce. Other common names include Constantinople hazel and tree hazel. The filbert nuts produced in commerce come from hybrid plants (C. avellana x C. maxima).


No serious insect or disease problems.


Attractive specimen for residential lawns. Shade tree. Street tree (unless nut litter is considered a problem). Naturalized areas. Dry sites.