Cornus sericea Budds YellowYellowtwig dogwood

Name:Cornus sericea Budds Yellow
common name:Yellowtwig dogwood
introduce:Plant Type: Deciduous shrub
Family: Cornaceae
Missouri Native: No
Native Range: None
Height: 5 to 8 feet
Spread: 5 to 8 feet
Bloom Time: May - June  
Bloom Color: Yellowish-white
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Water: Medium to wet
Maintenance: Low

General Culture:

Best grown in organically rich, medium to wet, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. Tolerant of a wide range of soils. Prefers consistently moist, well-drained soils. Trim roots with a spade and promptly remove root suckers if colonial spread is undesired. Best yellow stem color occurs on young stems. Although pruning is not required, many gardeners choose to remove 20-25% of the oldest stems in early spring of each year to stimulate growth of new stems which will display the best yellow color. As an alternative to annual pruning, some gardeners prune all stems close to the ground in early spring every 2-3 years to renew. Any loss of flowers through spring pruning is not terribly significant since the small flowers of this dogwood are rather ordinary. Plants become stressed and more vulnerable to diseases such as canker in hot summer climates south of USDA Zone 7.

Noteworthy Characteristics:

Budds Yellow is a yellowtwig dogwood cultivar that is noted for its bright yellow twigs in winter. It is a rapid-growing, multi-stemmed, suckering, deciduous shrub that grows to a maximum size of 5-8 tall on erect, usually unbranched stems. The outstanding ornamental features of this cultivar are: (1) bright yellow winter stems which are particularly showy against a snowy backdrop and (2) disease-resistant, ovate to elliptic, medium/dark green leaves (to 4.5" long). Tiny, yellowish-white flowers appear in flat-topped clusters (to 2.5" diameter) in late spring, with sparse, intermittent, additional flowering sometimes continuing into summer. Flowers give way to clusters of blue-white drupes in summer. Fruit is quite attractive to birds and is generally considered to have as much if not more ornamental interest than the flowers. Fall color is variable, but foliage may turn attractive shades of purple-red.


Susceptible to leaf spot, twig and leaf blights and canker. Scale, leaf miner and borers are occasional insect pests. Buds Yellow reportedly has good resistance to canker and stem dieback.


Naturalistic plantings in moist soils where plants are allowed to spread and form thickets. Property line screens. Hedges. Shrub borders. For an interesting bicolor winter stem display, combine with redtwig cultivars.