Cornus Rutgan STELLAR PINKFlowering dogwood
common name:Flowering dogwood
introduce:Plant Type: Tree
Family: Cornaceae
Missouri Native: No
Native Range: None
Height: 15 to 30 feet
Spread: 15 to 30 feet
Bloom Time: April - May
Bloom Color: Pink
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Water: Medium moisture
Maintenance: Low
General Culture:
Grow in average, medium wet, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Prefers organically rich, acidic soils in part shade. Benefits from a 4-6" mulch which will help keep roots cool and moist in summer.
Noteworthy Characteristics:
This flowering dogwood cultivar is a small, deciduous tree (one of several Rutgers hybrids between C. florida and C. kousa) which typically grows 15-30 with a low-branching, flat-topped, broadly pyramidal to uniformly broad habit. Profuse bloom appears in spring, with each "flower" (3-4" in diameter) featuring four showy, petal-like, slightly overlapping, light pink bracts which surround a small, yellowish-green, center flower cluster (the center cluster contains the true, albeit insignificant, flowers). In autumn, the oval, dark green leaves (3-6" long) gradually change to a uniform red to purplish red. Bright red fruits (poisonous to humans, but loved by birds) mature in early fall and usually persist until the middle of December.
No serious problems. Good resistance to dogwood anthracnose. Some susceptibility to leaf spot, crown canker, root rot and leaf and twig blight. Stressed trees become vulnerable to borers. Leaf scorch may occur in hot, windy or droughty conditions.
An excellent, early-flowering, small tree for a variety of locations on residential property, including around homes, near patios or in lawns. Plant as a specimen or in small groupings. Also effective in woodland areas, bird or native plant gardens.