Cornus masCornelian cherry dogwood
common name:Cornelian cherry dogwood
introduce:Plant Type: Tree
Family: Cornaceae
Missouri Native: No
Native Range: Europe, western Asia
Height: 15 to 25 feet
Spread: 15 to 20 feet
Bloom Time: March
Bloom Color: Yellow
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Water: Medium moisture
Maintenance: Low
General Culture:
Easily grown in average, medium wet, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Prefers moist, organically rich soils. Promptly remove root suckers to control spread.
Noteworthy Characteristics:
Cornelian cherry dogwood is a multi-stemmed, low-branching, round to oval, deciduous shrub which typically grows 15-20 (infrequently to 25) tall. Can be trained as a small tree by removal of suckers and lower branches. Features tiny, yellow, star-like flowers borne in umbels which appear in late winter to early spring before the foliage. Flowers give way to tiny red drupes which mature in summer but are often inconspicuous because hidden by the foliage. Drupes are technically edible, but not particularly tasty and are infrequently harvested unless for use in syrups or jams. Drupes persist well into fall unless consumed earlier by birds. Deep green, oval leaves acquire an undistinguished, dull purple tinge in autumn. Attractive grayish brown bark exfoliates on mature branches.
No serious insect or disease problems.
Valued for its very early spring bloom. Best as a hedge, screen or foundation plant or as a specimen or grouping in the shrub border. May be naturalized in open woodland or naturalized areas. May also be trained as a small tree.