Collinsonia canadensisHorsebalm
common name:Horsebalm
introduce:Plant Type: Herbaceous perennial
Family: Lamiaceae
Missouri Native: Yes
Native Range: Eastern United States , Ontario, Quebec
Height: 2 to 4 feet
Spread: 1 to 3 feet
Bloom Time: August - September
Bloom Color: Light yellow
Sun: Part shade (only)
Water: Medium moisture
Maintenance: Low
General Culture:
Easily grown in average, medium wet, well-drained soil in part shade. Does well in sandy, clay soils. Will tolerate somewhat dry soil conditions.
Noteworthy Characteristics:
Horsebalm is a Missouri native plant that occurs in rich woodlands, ravines and wooded slopes, often in limestone soils, and typically grows 2-3 (less frequently to 4) tall. Features elongated, branching, loose, pyramidal, terminal clusters of tiny, 2-lipped, tubular yellow flowers in mid to late summer and large, sharply toothed, ovate, green leaves (4-8") on square stems. Foliage (when crushed) and flowers of this mint family member have a citronella-like fragrance. Leaves can be used to make teas, and the underground roots (rhizomes) were formerly used medicinally in the treatment of urinary and kidney problems and as astringents.
No serious insect or disease problems.
Best grown in woodland, native plant or wildflower gardens.