刺藜Chenopodium aristatum Linn.
刺藜Chenopodium aristatum Linn.
1. 刺藜(东北草本植物志)刺穗藜(中国北部植物图志)、针尖藜 图版15:6-7
Chenopodium aristatum L. Sp. Pl. 221. 1753;Forb. et Hemsl. in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 26: 324. 1891;Blom in Act. Hort. Gothob. 3: 153. 1927;中国北部植物图志4: 47-48. t. 14. f. 1-6. 1935;中国高等植物图鉴1: 576. f. 1151. 1972. ——Teloxys aristata Moq. in Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 2, 1: 289. t. 10. f. A. 1834; Maxim. Prim. Fl. Amur. 222. 1859; Franch. Pl. David. 1: 247. 1884; Kitag. Lineam. Fl. Manch. 193. 1939; 东北草本植物志2: 91. 1959.——Chenopodium sinense Hort ex Moq. in DC. Prodr. 13 (2): 60. 1849——C. minimum Wang-Wei et Fuh in东北草本植物志2: 111 (Addenda) et 98. f. 97, 1959.
种拉丁名:Chenopodium aristatum Linn.
【药 名】:刺藜
【拼 音】:CILI
【来 源】:为双子叶植物药藜科植物刺藜的全草。
【功 效】:祛风止痒。
【主 治】:治荨麻疹、风疹。
【别 名】:红小扫帚苗、铁扫帚苗
【拉丁名】:Chenopodium aristatum L.
【考 证】:出自《河南省中草药手册》。
《Flora of China》 Vol. 5 (2003)
Dysphania aristata (Linnaeus) Mosyakin & Clemants
刺藜 ci li
Chenopodium aristatum Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 221. 1753; C. minimum W. Wang & P. Y. Fu; C. sinense hort ex Moquin-Tandon; C. tibeticum A. J. Li; Teloxys aristata (Linnaeus) Moquin-Tandon.
Herbs annual, often tinged purple-red, usually appearing conic, 10-40 cm tall, glabrous. Stem erect, terete or with colored ribs, glabrous or slightly glandular pubescent, much branched. Petiole short; leaf blade linear to narrowly lanceolate, to 7 × 1 cm, base attenuate, merging into petiole, margin entire to indistinctly erose-dentate, apex acute to acuminate; midvein yellow-white. Compound dichasia borne in leaf axils from near base of plant and on upper part of branches, apical branchlets of inflorescence acicular. Flowers not pedunculate, bisexual. Perianth segments 5, spreading in fruit, narrowly elliptic, slightly fleshy abaxially, margin membranous, apex obtuse or abruptly acute. Utricle depressed, orbicular; pericarp pellucid, adnate to seed. Seed horizontal, depressed, ca. 1 mm in diam., rim margin truncate or with a rib. Fl. Aug-Sep, fr. Oct.
A weed, often in fields, sometimes in wastelands and on slopes. Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Jilin, Nei Mongol, Ningxia, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan, Xinjiang [Asia, SE Europe; introduced in North America].
Several “microspecies” and infraspecific entities were proposed within this species (s.l.). These segregate taxa differ mostly in such variable characters as size of plant, degree of pubescence (glabrous to sparsely glandular pubescent), leaf shape (margin entire to serrate-dentate), and occasional presence of flowers on some terminal branches. These characters show no clear geographic pattern and thus cannot be considered specifically diagnostic. For example, glandular pubescent plants with an erose-serrate leaf margin (described as Chenopodium tibeticum) occur throughout the range of Dysphania aristata.
【拼音名】 Cì Lí
【别名】 红小扫帚苗、铁扫帚苗、鸡冠冠草、刺穗藜
【来源】 藜科藜属植物刺藜Chenopodium aristatum L.[Teloxys aristata (L.) Moq.],以全草入药。夏秋采收,洗净切段,晒干。
【性味】 淡,平。
【功能主治】 祛风止痒。外用治过敏性皮炎,荨麻疹。
【用法用量】 2两,煎水洗患处。
【摘录】 《全国中草药汇编》
科名:藜科 Chenopodiaceae
属名:藜属 Chenopodium
1. 刺藜(东北草本植物志)刺穗藜(中国北部植物图志)、针尖藜 图版15:6-7
Chenopodium aristatum L. Sp. Pl. 221. 1753;Forb. et Hemsl. in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 26: 324. 1891;Blom in Act. Hort. Gothob. 3: 153. 1927;中国北部植物图志4: 47-48. t. 14. f. 1-6. 1935;中国高等植物图鉴1: 576. f. 1151. 1972. ——Teloxys aristata Moq. in Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 2, 1: 289. t. 10. f. A. 1834; Maxim. Prim. Fl. Amur. 222. 1859; Franch. Pl. David. 1: 247. 1884; Kitag. Lineam. Fl. Manch. 193. 1939; 东北草本植物志2: 91. 1959.——Chenopodium sinense Hort ex Moq. in DC. Prodr. 13 (2): 60. 1849——C. minimum Wang-Wei et Fuh in东北草本植物志2: 111 (Addenda) et 98. f. 97, 1959.
种拉丁名:Chenopodium aristatum Linn.
【药 名】:刺藜
【拼 音】:CILI
【来 源】:为双子叶植物药藜科植物刺藜的全草。
【功 效】:祛风止痒。
【主 治】:治荨麻疹、风疹。
【别 名】:红小扫帚苗、铁扫帚苗
【拉丁名】:Chenopodium aristatum L.
【考 证】:出自《河南省中草药手册》。
《Flora of China》 Vol. 5 (2003)
Dysphania aristata (Linnaeus) Mosyakin & Clemants
刺藜 ci li
Chenopodium aristatum Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 221. 1753; C. minimum W. Wang & P. Y. Fu; C. sinense hort ex Moquin-Tandon; C. tibeticum A. J. Li; Teloxys aristata (Linnaeus) Moquin-Tandon.
Herbs annual, often tinged purple-red, usually appearing conic, 10-40 cm tall, glabrous. Stem erect, terete or with colored ribs, glabrous or slightly glandular pubescent, much branched. Petiole short; leaf blade linear to narrowly lanceolate, to 7 × 1 cm, base attenuate, merging into petiole, margin entire to indistinctly erose-dentate, apex acute to acuminate; midvein yellow-white. Compound dichasia borne in leaf axils from near base of plant and on upper part of branches, apical branchlets of inflorescence acicular. Flowers not pedunculate, bisexual. Perianth segments 5, spreading in fruit, narrowly elliptic, slightly fleshy abaxially, margin membranous, apex obtuse or abruptly acute. Utricle depressed, orbicular; pericarp pellucid, adnate to seed. Seed horizontal, depressed, ca. 1 mm in diam., rim margin truncate or with a rib. Fl. Aug-Sep, fr. Oct.
A weed, often in fields, sometimes in wastelands and on slopes. Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Jilin, Nei Mongol, Ningxia, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan, Xinjiang [Asia, SE Europe; introduced in North America].
Several “microspecies” and infraspecific entities were proposed within this species (s.l.). These segregate taxa differ mostly in such variable characters as size of plant, degree of pubescence (glabrous to sparsely glandular pubescent), leaf shape (margin entire to serrate-dentate), and occasional presence of flowers on some terminal branches. These characters show no clear geographic pattern and thus cannot be considered specifically diagnostic. For example, glandular pubescent plants with an erose-serrate leaf margin (described as Chenopodium tibeticum) occur throughout the range of Dysphania aristata.
【拼音名】 Cì Lí
【别名】 红小扫帚苗、铁扫帚苗、鸡冠冠草、刺穗藜
【来源】 藜科藜属植物刺藜Chenopodium aristatum L.[Teloxys aristata (L.) Moq.],以全草入药。夏秋采收,洗净切段,晒干。
【性味】 淡,平。
【功能主治】 祛风止痒。外用治过敏性皮炎,荨麻疹。
【用法用量】 2两,煎水洗患处。
【摘录】 《全国中草药汇编》